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她的脸是臃肿和拘谨。Her face is bloated and squarish.

你那条臃肿的橡皮圈叫做手臂?。You call that flabby rubber band an arm?

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请注意这个拉样式表多么臃肿。Note how clunky this pull style sheet is.

比如,我们现在机构臃肿。For instance, our departments are overstaffed.

不会像泡沫橡胶那样显得臃肿。And doesn't bulk up like foam does and everything.

正如您看到的那样,这种结构有点臃肿。As you can see, this structure is a little clunky.

描写这些令人作呕的,臃肿不堪的躯体到底有什么意义?Why this sense of disgusting, excessive body matter?

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我们过去是数据匮乏,现在的问题是数据臃肿。We used to be data poor, now the problem is data obesity.

发现里面有一具臃肿的尸体和一封联系信件。We found a corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

在穿着臃肿的秋冬两季过后,是时候来展露更多的肌肤。After two seasons of bundling up, it's time to show more skin.

它如此臃肿,以至于我们工作的时间的四分之一都是用来挪动他。It was so bulky, you had to remove it for any close-quarter work.

刻托的身体慢慢变得臃肿,可四肢依旧枯瘦。Keto's body slowly becomes bloated. Her limbs however stay emaciated.

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我身材臃肿、面容憔悴、头发乱如杂草、穿着完全没型的男人装。I'm fat, I'm ugly, my hair is a mess and I'm wearing horrible man clothes.

边歪着头欣赏穿在略显臃肿的脚上这双鞋。She tilted her head, admiring the leather shoes on her slightly swollen feet.

其它可见急躁,体胖臃肿,气息均匀。Moreover, the other symptoms, such as impatience, obesity, and natural breath.

而共和党人加强了他们对此方案的臃肿和误导的攻击。And Republicans stepped up their attack on the plan as bloated and misdirected.

中国公职人员健康不佳、体态臃肿、脾气暴躁,基本上全都是亚健康者。China's bureaucracy is unhealthy, bloated, irritated and basically substandard.

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尚未改变的主要缺点是其文体臃肿呆板。The main fault that has not changed is the clumsy and inexpressive prose style.

他也是一下子被提升到已经臃肿的上层机构中。He had been suddenly plonked on top of all the existing already heavy top brass.

卷云是“一种低矮的长管形云彩,”它时而平滑,时而臃肿。A roll cloud is “a long, low tube of a cloud,” sometimes smooth, sometimes bumpy.