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谨以挚诚的心向沈殿霞女士致意!Tribute is sincerely paid to Ms.

我们挚诚欢迎国内外广大客户光临惠顾并来函垂询!We sincerely welcome customers at home and abroad to visit and your inquiries!

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如同世界上所有的母亲一样,中国的母亲也以各种各样的方式表达着心中最为挚诚的母爱。Like mother, like all the world, China's mother in various ways to express the most sincere maternal heart.

新的一年即将来临,我司在此送上最挚诚的新年祝福给予所有客户以及他们的家人们。The Year 2017 is coming. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year 2017 to every customer and the families.

依托美味、健康、卫生及挚诚的服务理念,提供给客户满意的餐饮服务。Based on our Corporate Philosophy ofHealthy, Nutritious, Delicious to provide our clients satisfy catering service.

本公司挚诚为新老客户提供产品、欢迎国内外客户惠顾!Our company sincerely provides different refrigerants for the new and old customers. Welcome all the customers worldwide!

本公司以“质量为本、锐意进取、精益求精、顾客至上”为宗旨,竭诚为各界客户提供方便。挚诚欢迎广大用户来电、来函洽谈业务。Our tenet is “quality first, keep enterprising and improving, client paramountcy”. Welcome to cooperate and develop with us!

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康好五金,真诚为您。挚诚与广大国内外客户携手合作,共同创辉煌美好的明天。Konhoo Hardware, sincerely for you. A warm welcome to customers both home and abroad with the cooperation to create a bright future.

你的支持是我们的发展根基,你的满意是我们的生存空间,紫烟全体员工挚诚为你服务。Your support is a foundation of our development, it is the space that we survive that yours is satisfied, We will serve you sincerely.

多年来,信元哲企业不断发展壮大,追求完美的质量及服务,是信元哲对广大用户的挚诚承诺!Over the years, the XYZ enterprises has been steadily expanded, the quality and excellence services, is the vast number of XYZ'S users who promise!

宾馆环境优雅,设施俱全,所有房间均设有宽带上网,挚诚为阁下提供舒适惬意的服务。Elegant hotel environment, facilities and taste, all rooms are equipped with broadband Internet access, sincerely provide you with a safe and comfortable service.

当热情敛为理智,当关心写作祝福,亲爱的,让两颗挚诚的心就这样在无形的爱恋中紧紧相依!When the enthusiasm for the rational convergence, when the interest in writing blessing, darling, so that two sincere hearts so invisible at love in the tightly dependent!

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回顾过去,展望未来,我们将一如既往地本着“品质第一,顾客至上”的精神,竭诚为海内外新老客户提供一流的产品及挚诚的服务。Looking back to the past and fotward to the future, we will try our best to offer the integtate products and excellent service for our new and old customets throughout the world.