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如何升迁隔行视频吗?How to upsize interlaced video?

公司的升迁制度是怎样的?What is the career track within the company?

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你因智商受聘,因情商升迁。While IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted.

此人的能力由他升迁之快得到证实。The man’s ability was attested by his rapid promotion.

但是他还年轻,他还要在基社盟党内步步升迁。But he is young and his route to the top is through the CSU.

甚至是你期望的升迁都会导致压力。Even that promotion you have been wanting will cause stress.

十人变成百人,戴笠的升迁由此开始。The Ten became more than a hundred, and Dai Li’s rise began.

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爱莉丝获得升迁而我没有,这件事我就是无法释怀。I can't get over the fact that Alice was promoted, and I wasn't.

新制度给与个人较少的升迁机会。The new system leaves less opportunity for personal advancement.

“升迁向导”不对模块和宏进行任何更改。The Upsizing Wizard doesn′t make any changes to modules and macro.

通常来说,你的老板是决定你是否升迁的人。Often, your boss is the person who will decide if youll be promoted.

一名团队成员将得到升迁,并开始对他的同事进行微观管理。A team member will get promoted and start micromanaging his teammates.

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喜利得北美区现任首席执行官就是从初级销售职位一步步升迁上来的。The current CEO of Hilti North America started in a junior sales capacity.

当王太太获得工作的升迁时,她决定举办一个庆祝会。When Mrs. Wang got a promotion at work, she decided to have a celebration.

“升迁向导”使用您指定的大小创建事务日志。The Upsizing Wizard creates the transaction log using the size you specify.

20世纪的90年代他还是一个学生,然而他的升迁是飞黄腾达的。He was still a student at the start of the 1990s, but his rise was meteoric.

他们通过把经理升迁至管理委员会而使他明升暗降。They kicked upstairs their manager by putting him on the managing committee.

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因此,我们决定开始与升迁到教会尊严。We have therefore decided to begin with preferment to ecclesiastical dignities.

他没有升迁的失望因为大额度的加薪而改善了。His disappointment at not getting the promotion was ameliorated with a large raise.

我想您和府上诸位,都会为您的大升迁而极度欢乐。I think you and your family are about to burst out with joy over your big promotion.