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他们黑暗中展示逆光模式。They show inverse mode at night.

我逆光照下这片静谧的场景,原来生活中从来不缺少美丽的细节。It seemd that life had never lacked of a beautiful moment.

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我们喜欢背景逆光的效果!We love this kind of feeling, the brilliant background light!

环湖栈桥,逆光,南京,2007冬季。Trestle circling around the lake, backlighting, Nanking, winter 2007

首先,你要举起羽觞逆光视察葡萄酒。First thing, hold the glass up and examine the wine against the light.

最近拍花喜欢上逆光加上过曝出来的感觉。Love the flower shot with against sunlight and over exposure recently.

当时,我的位置低于那只鹿,所以可以逆光拍下它的身影。I was down below the deer and was able to photograph it against the morning sky.

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本文报道了一种测定苄胺的可逆光敏膜。The reversible optical sensing membrane for the determination of benzyl amine is described.

对镜头在逆光条件下的性能有明显提高。In the backlighting of the camera under the conditions of the performance has significantly improved.

本发明提供一种适当地执行图像数据的逆光处理的技术。The invention provides a technique for properly performing a backlight processing for the image data.

广泛应用于舞台、电视台、剧场等的面光、顶光、侧光、逆光。This fixture is usually used in the occasion of stage, TV studio, theater etc for a front , top, side or reverse throw.

具有自动白平衡设置,反差系统水平调整,自动增益控制,逆光补偿等功能。With automatic white-balance settings, contrast level adjustment system, automatic gain control, backlight compensation function.

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在苯并吡喃部分含有硝基的螺吡喃显示出逆光致变色行为,其它的则为普通光致变色化合物。The spiropyrans with a nitro group at the benzopyran moiety showed reverse photochromic behavior, others were normal photochromic compounds.

本文采用单试样逆光拍照法对延性材料拉伸试验缩颈后的真实应力-应变进行了有效的测量。The backlight photography with single sample was used to measure the true stress-strain of the ductile material after necking in tensile test.

许多摄影师运用逆光拍摄人物、物体或风景元素的技术来获取剪影照片。Many photographers use the technique of photographing people, objects or landscape elements against the light, to achieve an image in silhouette.

本文认为,用“逆光”手法创造人物形象,与建构一个“红色中国”的形象紧密相关。This article indicates that there is a close relationship between applying "backlight" in portrait creation with constructs an image of "Red China".

一般来说,拍摄倒影的最佳光线是低位光的逆光,其次是侧光和漫射光,最忌的是顶光和顺光。In general, the best reflection of light is shooting low light, backlight, followed by side light and diffuse light, very sensitive to the top of cis-ray light.

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“光”在绘画中的不同的表现形式,如聚集的光线、散射的光线、逆光效果等对于渲染一幅作品的气氛也有着不同的作用。The various forms of"light"showing in painting, such as collective light, scatter light, backlighting, play different roles to romance the atmosphere of a picture.

配合物具有良好的可逆光致变色性能,其光致变色是由于钼离子与有机基团间发生了电子转移反应。Photochromism of complex undergoes electron transfer reaction on light to form multivalent molybdenum complex and accompanied by a color change from purple to blue.

拍摄时一般可以参照逆光条件下拍照的曝光值,也就是比正常曝光开大1-2档光圈或放慢1-2档快门速度。Backlighting when shooting under general picture can refer to the exposure value is large than normal exposure to open 1-2 1-2 f-stop or slow down the shutter speed.