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你穷数年之功建设起来的东西可能毁于一旦。What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.

整个家庭毁于一旦,猫、狗和老鼠也不能幸免。Entire families were wiped out. Dogs, cats and rats went too.

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几年前,电可能让你毁于一旦。A few years before that, it might get you burned at the stake.

但是,城中的旧式木制建筑在1728年和1795年的两场大火中毁于一旦。But fires in 1728 and 1795 destroyed the old wooden structures.

可是,转眼间多年的心血就毁于一旦!However, the blink of an eye, years of hard work on the ruined!

不幸地是,一次地震就可能将水坝的关键之处毁于一旦。Unfortunately, an earthquake might liquefy the core of the dam.

少数字节错位,会使整个应用程序毁于一旦。A few bytes out of place and the whole application goes down in flames.

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信誉建难毁易。信任和声誉是慢慢建立起来的,但却能毁于一旦。Trust and credibility is built slowly but can be lost almost instantly.

日军所到,整个梅李镇毁于一旦。A totally destroyed Meilizhen after the Japanese troops set foot in town.

信誉建难毁易。信任和声誉是慢慢建立起来的,但却能毁于一旦。Ruin It. Trust and credibility is built slowly but can be lost almost instantly.

这个把法国银行体系几乎毁于一旦的人将在上千年内难脱干系。The man who nearly took down the French banking system is on the hook for millennia.

从事休闲业和零售业的一些人正在眼睁睁看着自己精心制订的计划毁于一旦。Some in the leisure and retail industries are watching carefully laid plans fall apart.

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中国人极力宣扬其愤怒,几乎将中日会晤毁于一旦。The Chinese went into a well-publicized huff, almost ruining the Sino- Nipponese summit.

害怕战火后千辛万苦建起来的高楼大厦毁于一旦,欲哭无泪,怎么办?They afraid that the skyscrapers built after the war will be destroyed in a blink of eyes.

几乎每一个月你都会听说某一位开发商让某一件体现休斯敦过去的实物毁于一旦。Hardly a month goes by that you don’t hear of a developer dooming some piece of Houston’s past.

尽管旷课是违反校规的行为,糟糕的出勤记录也会使你的期末成绩毁于一旦。Skipping classes violates school rules and a poor attendance record will damage your final mark.

全球变暖会将玛雅时期的金字塔到西伯利亚的古墓都毁于一旦。Climate change could destroy archaeological treasures from the Mayan pyramids to tombs in Siberia.

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价值和声望好比知名品牌,需要很长时间才能建立起来,但却容易毁于一旦。Like a strong brand, values and reputation take a long time to build but a very short time to damage.

马儿跑到哪里,大火就燃烧到哪里,所有的森林、城市、生灵都将毁于一旦了。Horse went to where the fire burning on the go, all the forests, cities, the people will be destroyed by.

非常明显的透过那些时间人类文明几乎被毁于一旦。Much that has filtered through from those times has led mankind down the slippery slope to near annihilation.