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当时中产阶级想获得政治权利Now, the middle class want political rights.

他们剥夺那罪犯的终身政治权利。They deprived the criminal of political rights for life.

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这项赦免令将恢复埃斯特拉达的公民和政治权利。The pardon will restore Mr. Estrada's civil and political rights.

沙特阿拉伯由于公民和政治权利有限而得6.5分。Saudi Arabia gets 6.5 because of its limited civil and political rights.

当中国的中产阶级更多时,他们相应的也会要求更多的政治权利。As the Chinese become more bourgeois, they may demand more political rights, too.

学生并不学习政治权利并且被教育着不准向当权者提出异议。Students don't learn about political rights and are taught not to question authority.

然而他认为大部分缅甸人民并不关心政治权利的缺失。Yet he believed that the lack of political rights did not concern most Burmese people.

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西班牙以暴行的罪名招回在古巴的军队领导人,不现把人关进战俘营,并向所有古巴人给予平等的政治权利,而且西班牙还许诺将来还政于古巴人。It stopped putting people in prison camps. It offered equal political rights to all Cubans.

目前在中国能够对抗资本强大力量的只有最高的政治权利。Currently, the only counterforce to the power of the capital is the supreme political power.

而结社自由从其性质来讲,是一种特殊的政治权利,它既具有公权利的性质又具有私权利的性质。Essentially, it is a special political right with a combination of public right and private right.

他对压力屈服并于1074年辞官,政治权利更小,没有了尚方宝剑。He bowed to pressures to resign in 1074 with less political power and without imperial carte blanche.

在日本政治权利中心永田町,有关中川喝酒的故事比比皆是。In Nagatacho, the heart of Japanese political power, tales abound of Nakagawa's capacity for alcohol.

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毫无疑问,中国人民的财富在日益增长,但他们要求拥有更多政治权利的呼声也随之高涨。Chinese people's wealth is no doubt growing by the day, yet so is their demand for more political rights.

独立适用剥夺政治权利的,依照本法分则的规定。Where deprivation of political rights is imposed exclusively, the Specific Provisions of this Law shall apply.

公民权利和政治权利得以实现的重要保障便是法律能够得到公正、有效的执行。A major guarantee of the enjoyment of civil and political rights lies in the just and effective law enforcement.

信访是我国公民政治参与的政治免费论文重要渠道,是实现和维护人民群众民主政治权利的具体形式。As an important channel of politics participation, the letter petition system safeguards people's democratic rights.

举办民办学校的个人,应当具有政治权利和完全民事行为能力。Individuals that establish privately-run schools shall possess political rights and full capacity for civil conduct.

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依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人没有选举权和被选举权。Persons who have been deprived of political rights according to law shall have no right to vote or stand for election.

金为美国黑人的政治权利而斗争,从而为世界其他地区树立了榜样。King fought for political rights for black people in the USA. By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world.

但附加刑的缺失使本罪刑罚方面尚显不足,有待完善,应当增设罚金刑和剥夺政治权利刑。It is necessary to establish the punishment of fine and deprivation of politic right for the consummation of such crime.