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他头脑简单.He's simple-minded.

我需要明晰锐利的头脑。I need my lucidity.

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他头脑简单。He is simple-minded.

你的头脑需要休息。Your mind requires rest.

懒惰使人的头脑迟纯。Idlenesss rusts the mind.

“它迷糊了你的头脑”。It messes with your head.

她在政治上有头脑。She is politically aware.

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来帮助你的头脑和灵魂。To help your mind and soul.

用你的头脑来保命。Use your head to stay safe.

没有头脑者何得称之谓人?What is a man but his mind?

带着开阔的头脑生活才好。Face life with an open mind.

开头脑风暴会议,集思广益。Have brainstorming sessions.

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保持一个开放的头脑和心。Keep an open mind and heart.

她被骄傲冲昏了头脑。She was eaten up with pride.

然而骑行澄澈了我的头脑。Then biking cleared my head.

吉姆是个头脑灵活的孩子。Jim is a boy with quick wits.

你就该有航海图一样的头脑!You'd have charts for brains!

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在头脑中探索这个目标。Explore the goal in your mind.

他的成功冲昏了他的头脑。He was dazzled by his success.

胜利不会让我头脑发昏。Success will not turn my head.