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谁是这个烂摊子的始作俑者?Who is to blame for this mess?

实际上,埃拉特·玛扎尔就是这种对抗的始作俑者。Eilat Mazar is one of the reasons why.

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浮石认为自己既是始作俑者,也是受害者。Mr. Fu sees himself as both perpetrator and victim.

在红辣椒里,辣椒素是辣味的始作俑者。In chilies, capsaicin is what makes them spicy and “hot.”

谁最有可能是价格形成的始作俑者?Who is most probably the initiator of the pricing formula?

其实,始作俑者就是你和你的利益集团。When actually, the instigators were you and your interest groups.

“要是能知道原因,”戴卡诺斯说,“我们就能知道始作俑者,反之亦然。”"If we knew why, " said Dekanos, "we'd know who. And vice-versa."

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近几年楼价急升,地产仲介被视为始作俑者。Many attribute property price hikes in recent years to property agents.

在所有这些骚动背后的始作俑者,是那些来自网络时代的短线交易员。Behind all of this commotion are day traders, those creatures of the dot-com era.

暂时的,这些就是胡佛作为新政未被承认的始作俑者的理由。Such, briefly, is the case for Hoover as the unacknowledged sire of the New Deal.

事实上会问这种自私的问题的人通常都是结束一段关系的始作俑者。If fact, asking this type of selfish question is usually a deal breaker in the end.

而包含布兰奇•林肯和汤姆•哈金在内的几人则是一些强硬提议的始作俑者。Several, including Blanche Lincoln and Tom Harkin, were responsible for tough proposals.

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与此同时,悲观主义者认为这次衰退的始作俑者更青睐于一次虚弱的复苏或是双重探底。Pessimists, meanwhile, think this downturn's origins favour a weak recovery or a double-dip.

NOAA的莫顿指出,此次绿潮的始作俑者很有可能是微胞藻类。The algae species responsible for this bloom is most likely Microcystis, NOAA's Morton said.

但是剥削炒作玉儿的始作俑者却是她自己,还有那些尽其所能的摄影机,让她赖以维生。But her first exploiter was herself, and the cameras, for as long as they could, kept her alive.

巧合的是,三月份,浙江省被作为这次恐慌性抢盐事件的始作俑者广泛报导。Coincidentally, Zhejiang was widely reported as the origin of the salt-buying panic in mid-March.

与其说是电脑造成了手写的衰落,还不如说是标准化的测试是始作俑者。The cause of the decline in handwriting may lie not so much in computers as in standardized testing.

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相反,它被反斥为这场灾难的始作俑者的倒打一耙。On the contrary, it is condemned as presumptuous blame-shifting by the originator of the catastrophe.

尼克松则以粗暴无礼的形象出现,当然他也是整个冒险计划的始作俑者。Nixon emerges as an ungracious figure, but also as the original architect of the whole daring project.

承康猜到事件的始作俑者,所以提议报警,逼主人翁主动摆平事件。ChengKang guessed the inventors of the event, so the proposed alarm, forced ownership actively handle events.