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大户人家,大话人生…My family is my life!

一个具有戏剧性的大话?A dramatic over-statement?

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我不会被大话吓倒。I'm not spooked for the threat.

看他们怎样重现大话西游剧场版。See how they reproduce we theatre.

加里·康迪特如何被评为大话王?。How does Gary Condit rate as a liar?

大话西游坑害了我们多少钱?All About West entrap us how much money ?

他们都被她的大话所欺骗。They were all boondoggled by her big talk.

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如果这意味着要揭穿银行家们的大话,那就这么去做吧。If that means calling the bankers' bluff, so be it.

爱情是一个细巧设念的大话。Love is a particular automotiveefully designed lie.

“英名不朽”这句大话,毕竟是多么空虚!How idle a boast, after all, is the immortality of a name!

做妖其实和做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖来自大话西游…Being a devil is the same as being a human. We should be kind.

一天晚上,老李坐在拉斯维加斯一间酒吧里,喷着大话。One night Mr. Munson was sitting at a bar in Las Vegas, playing craps.

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他们想让我们完成些烦人的团队领导任务,然后再说些大话。They re going to make us do crappy leadership tasks and all that malarkey.

你可以不知道“无厘头”,但谁也无法忽视“无厘头文化”网聚的几百万“大话迷”。But you cannot ignore"Wulitou Culture"which gathers millions of"Dahua fans".

在这两种情形下,抱怨都是夸夸其谈的做法,没有人喜欢一个满口大话的人。In both of these cases, complaining is bragging and nobody likes a braggart.

中国人说惯了“小话”,碰上正常的话,理所当然就叫“大话”了。Chinese people used to say "small, " and run into normal, naturally called "lying "the.

中国人说惯了“小话”,碰上正常的话,理所当然就叫“大话”了。Chinese people used to "small", then run into the normal, of course, called "Westward "a.

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话说周奔驰"大话西游"之后,将无数的英语书架在肩上,大踏步而回。After his western odyssey, Zhou Benchi strolled back with loads of English learning books.

我想到一个看别人说大话、闹笑话的心理需求。I think of one sees the psychological demand of others mouthiness , make a fool of oneself.

如果梦三国知道谜底轩辕传奇会告诉决战官答案,假如仙侠世界不知道,大话水浒只会巧妙的回应。If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer, and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly.