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刑事警察是警察序列中的一个单独警种。Criminal police is a separate type of police.

一般人都不知道我们国家有多少警种。Most people do not know how many kinds of police officers we have.

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要努力提高民警控赃工作网络化的意识,加强各警种各部门网上控赃协作。The police awareness about it should be improved and the cooperation between different parts should be enhanced.

危机警务工作需要多警种联合作战,但社区民警的职责是举足轻重的。Crisis policing job demands multiple police sorts to combat in cooperation, but the community policeman's duties are of great importance.

侦办信用卡诈骗案件时应加强多警种合作、加强银行业内外监管及情报导侦。Aimed at these new ways, we should strengthen the cooperation between multi-polices, the supervisions in and inter-banks and guidance with information work.

该枪适合派出所、110、巡逻等基层警察使用,不适合缉毒、反恐等高风险警种的警察使用。The revolver for the police station, 110, patrol and other grass-roots police use, not suitable for anti-drug, anti-terrorism police in high-risk police will use.

鉴于对监狱警察这一特殊警种的研究的缺乏,本文采用问卷调查的方法对江苏省监狱警察的工作压力进行了研究。Considering the lack of research about jail police officers, this study researched the job stress of jail police officers from Jiangsu province using questionnaire.

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该研究成果作为一种安全认证模式可以应用于其他公安警种业务和电子政务,具有较高的技术价值和很广的应用价值。As a secure authentication mode, the research results can be applied to other Public Security categories and thee-government with higher technique value and wider application value.

建设快速反应机制是现代警务的必然趋势,快速反应机制必须依靠统一指挥下的多警种整体作战优势。Constructing fast response policing system is a necessary trend of the modem policing mechanism. It should depend on the aggregative advantages of all kinds of police by uniform command.

通过科技强警和多警种协同,在快速反应中实现对治安形势影响较大问题的平抑。The stabilization of the major public security problems should be completed in swift response through intensifying the police with science and technology, multi police coordination as well.

武装警察理论是警察学理论体系的分支,是由武装警察职能职责研究、管理体制研究、比较研究、警种设置理论等几部分组成的有机整体。This theory should include the function and duty of armed police forces, management system, comparative study of armed police forces and the types of armed police which should be established.