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面容阴柔的男性往往是两性关系配偶的更佳选择。More feminine men tend to be better providers.

女孩儿们更是受够了那些阴柔的娘娘腔。Girls get fed up with the feminine nature of the men.

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阴柔的声音如石沉大海般悄元声息。Yin soft voice as disappeared silently dollar voice interest.

我们不说老庄的思想是阴柔的东西,因为,实际上他们是讲究阴阳调和的。I don't say that the thought of Loatse and Chuangtse is something negative.

唐代乐舞主要有两大形态,代表了阴柔阳刚两类舞蹈审美风格。It mainly includes two forms, representing the feminine and masculine styles.

为阴柔扮装的人提供了穿裙装的合理性。"I Role Play, Therefore I Am" justifies skirt wearing in feminine role players.

本文阐述了姚鼐“阳刚阴柔”理论的内涵和意义。This essay expounds the theoretical connotation and sense of YAO Nai s strength and grace.

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此款酒口感优雅而练达,呈现出圣埃米利永诱人、女性阴柔的一面。The wine is elegant and sophisticated, expressing the seductive, feminine side of St-Emilion.

这种性别的人通常比较阴柔,容易吸引成年男性作为性伴侣。The fa'afafine tend to be effeminate, and exclusively attracted to adult men as sexual partners.

批评者指责该节目充斥着对男同性恋和论述阴柔之气的一些陈词滥调。The critics blamed the show was "replete with the sort of clichés about gay men and effeminacy ".

显而易见,在同等情况下,嗓音越高,声音听起来越阴柔。All things equal, the higher a voice, the more effeminate a voice sounds, for the obvious reasons.

女衬衫,铅笔裙还有剪裁合体的套装在着重阴柔格调的今季都炙手可热。Blouses, pencil skirts and tailored suits are hot items of clothing this season with a feminine touch.

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尼采阴柔的一面深藏在一个由“超人”和“查拉图斯特拉”形成的双层面具之下。Nietzsche’s feminine side was deeply hidden behind a double-layered mask of Übermensch and Zarathustra.

其总体精神是“淳和质朴”,是阴柔文化的世俗化。The spirit of the custom is purity and simplicity, which manifests common customs of feminized culture.

男人总希望女人年轻和阴柔,这反过来表明了高生育率。Men consistently want women who show signs of youth and femininity, which in turn indicate high fertility.

然后,计算机借此分析归纳出阳刚男性与阴柔男性在面容特征上的区别。The computer then used these to work out how the features of a masculine face differ from a feminine face.

研究称,众多“内分泌干扰物”使雄性变得越来越阴柔。It claimed that those widespread "endocrine disrupters" chemicals led to males born with feminized genitals.

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在这孤独的太空妖星神秘之处,我毫无困难地感受到人类男性刚阳的力量和女性阴柔的美丽。In this lonely space of MS mystery place, I feel no difficulty human male power and feminine beauty of women.

老庄的“大美”是一种微妙玄通、虚形阴柔、静寂空灵、含蓄隽永的审美追求。Zhuangzi's theory "Damei" is about the pursuit of a sense of subtleness , softness, elegance and implication.

一路罗汉拳是模仿脾气暴烈性格急躁的罗汉,二路罗汉拳是模仿性格阴柔而奸诈的罗汉。Routine One is an imitation of a bad-tempered arhat with an evil mind. Routine Two is an imitation of cunning.