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受贿罪是一种发案率高、较为复杂的犯罪。Bribery is a high-rate and complicated crime.

受贿罪是一种贿赂罪。Acceptance of bribes is a kind of bribery crime.

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非国家工作人员可否构成受贿罪共犯?Can non-national public servants commit the bribery crime?

第三部分,受贿罪的犯罪既遂标准。The third part, the bribery crime accomplishment standards.

此议员被证明犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery.

另外,笔者还提出了受贿罪的法益应是职务行为的不可收买性。Additional, the interest of crime law is un-purchasing of public affairs.

非国家工作人员能够成为受贿罪共犯。The non-national staff members can become the accomplice in bribery crime.

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最后通过分析本案实际情况,得出被告人完全具有受贿罪主体资格的结论。According the fact of the case, the defendant is the subject of bribe crime.

第二部分,从学理的角度对受贿罪的“为他人谋取利益”要件展开论述。The second part, from the Angle of the theory of corruption "seek interests for others".

指出“性贿赂”是受贿罪的一种表现形式,肯定了“性贿赂”应当犯罪化。The author demonstrated that the sex bribe is a form of bribery and should be criminalized.

即使犯有欺诈或受贿罪,法官亦不承担司法行为中的民事责任。A judge incurs no civil liability ofr judicial acts, even if guilty of fraud and corruption.

他是一个月内因被控受贿罪第二个宣布辞职的内迪尔·玛洛塞夫内阁成员。He is the second member of Dilma Rousseff’s cabinet to quit within a month over corruption claims.

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对非国家工作人员是否构成受贿罪共犯,国内外均存在肯定说与否定说之争。According to clauses in "criminal law", non-national officials may commit complicity of bribery crime.

文章的第二部分是对受贿罪犯罪构成的理论阐释。The second part of the article is to bribed the theory explanation which the criminal crime constitutes.

同时,本文还论证了受贿罪共犯的犯罪数额如何认定。At the same time, this paper proves that how to affirm the criminal amount of the complicities of bribery.

本文的第三部分涉及到的是受贿罪认定中应当注意的若干具本问题。The third part of this article involves is the bribery recognized must pay attention certain this question.

“职务行为”、“受贿方式”是受贿罪客观方面的重要组成部分。Post behaviors" and "Ways of accepting bribe" are important components of objective aspects of a bribery crime.

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对我国受贿罪立法进行理性分析、补缺堵漏已是当务之急。It has been urgent affairs to reasoningly analyse and remedy the legislation on the bribery crime in our country.

邵明立前任郑筱萸因受贿罪已于7月10日被执行死刑。Shao's predecessor, Zheng Xiaoyu, was executed July 10 after being convicted of accepting bribes from drug companies.

对非国家工作人员是否构成受贿罪共犯,国内外均存在肯定说与否定说之争。There are two opposite theories for whether the non-national official can constitute the common bribery crime or not.