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保持岩石、植物与其它自然物的原貌。Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them.

他想创建一个新的艺术的一种庆祝自然物。He wanted to create a new kind of art that celebrated natural objects.

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庄子是自然主义者,他特别欣赏外界自然物。Chuang-tzu is a natural person, he especially appreciates the external nature.

“日月山川”,就是宇宙自然物的符化符号。"Sun Moon mountains rivers" is the symbol of natural objects symbolic universe.

图腾是原始人认为和自己有血缘关系的自然物,动物、植物或非生命的物体,主要是动物。But we think the surname of clan in old china has not inevitable relation with totem.

自然价值是自然物具体价值的概括和抽象,是“自然物价值的一般”。Natural Value is the generalization and abstract of nature materials' concrete value.

而自然物则不享有环境公益诉讼的原告资格。The natural objects do not have the standing of environmental public interest litigation.

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图腾就是原始人迷信某种动物或自然物同氏族有血缘关系,因而用来做本氏族的徽号或标志。Therefore, a certain animal or plant could be used as the image or sign of the ethnic group.

有的是大量的自然物,我们的生活围绕着树木、溪流、动物和天空。Instead, there was plenty of nature. We lived surrounded by trees and water and animals and sky.

除去可见的走向死亡的人物外,作者还在小说中赋予许多自然物以死亡的意象。Including the dead characters, there is a lot of death imageries in natural things in the novels.

如果他在打下一杆前,把移动的自然物放回原处就不会被处罚。No, provided he returns the natural object to its original position before playing his next stroke.

孔府的自然物信仰主要包括祭北斗和祭日晷。The natural objects belief of Confucius mansion mainly involved sacrificing the Big Dipper and sundial.

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许多自然物质的香味来自油类,因此,这样的油可以用来生产香水。The fragrances of many natural substances comes from oils, and this oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes.

人是一种非自然的自然物或者说自然的非自然物,一句话,人是文化的动物。Human is non-natural nature substance or natural non-nature substance, in a word, human is the animal with culture.

在我看来,这还是他性格中一个新的方面,因为我以前还从未见过他对自然物表现出强烈的爱好。It was a new phase of his character to me, for I had never before seen him show any keen interest in natural objects.

航天器传回的照片上有白色的物质,摄影证据终结了关于这种物质究竟是何种自然物的争论。Photographic evidence settles the debate over the nature of the white material seen in photographs sent back by the craft.

哈内曼更进一步,开始在健康人身上系统地试验各种自然物质的效果。Hahnemann went further, and began systematically testing the effects of a large variety of natural substances on healthy people.

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爱德华·威尔森的“生命大百科计划”呼吁全世界都来帮助记录丰富的自然物种。E.O. Wilson’s Encyclopedia of Life project invites the world to help in documenting the rich variety of species in the natural world.

在原始时代,可信的是某些自然物或是一些众生的画像与他们的族群遗产是有一些血缘上的联系。In primitive times, it was believed that certain natural objects or animate beings have a blood connection with their ethnic heritage.

至少有一些咒语表现得像自然能量,包括力、反作用力等在自然物体中可看到的力量。Spells, at least some of them, behave like physical energy, with forces, counterforces, and vectors much like those seen in physical objects.