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人都有栽跟头的时候,这就是生活。People fuck up. That's life.

天啊,小鬼子这次是要栽跟头了。Good heavens, the impish son is falling this time.

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不老实的人到头来总是要栽跟头的。Dishonest people are bound to come a cropper in the end.

哪个经济体将是头一个在自己的问题上栽跟头的?Which economy will be the first to stumble on its problems?

太过于专注在一个遥远的目标上,结果肯定是会栽跟头的。Too much devote oneself to the long-term goal would make one frustrated at end of the day.

在中国,严格的政府规定多次让本土和海外的互联网公司栽跟头。Strict government rules have repeatedly tripped up local and foreign internet companies in China.

一只会走空中绳索的小仓鼠非常喜欢展示它的杂技技巧,当它顺着绳子滑到绳中央的时候就像是要栽跟头一样。A high-wire hamster who loves to show off her circus skills almost came a cropper when she slipped off a tightrope in the middle of a routine.

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许多人傻呼呼的去贷款而栽跟头,莫名其妙的就被拉到房奴的行列。A lot of people got behind the wheels of some pretty dumb loans and drove them down the drag strip towards ridiculous homes they couldn‘t afford.

另外,贪欲、虚荣是很多人在金钱上栽跟头的主要原因,在市场经济迅速发展中,人们很难摆正自己的人生观。In addition, greed, vanity is a lot of money on the fall in the main, rapid economic development in the market, it is hard to straighten their life.

无论基辛格有没有这样说过,政治人物马上都要栽跟头了。1973年,经济陷入停滞,而水门事件则暴露了一个令人震惊的事实——政治人物会说谎。When Kissinger said that, or didn't, politicians were about to stumble. In 1973 economies seized up, and Watergate revealed the shocking truth that politicians could lie.

Yahoo或许是在中国栽跟头最严重的公司,为了扩大市场占有率,同百度、新浪竞争,它在2004年并购了中国本土的一家互联网公司。Perhaps no company tripped up as badly in China as Yahoo. It bought a local Internet company in 2004 to expand its Web presence and compete with Baidu and the local portal