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他停下手头的工作哈哈大笑起来。He stopped to laugh.

我们手头没有经费。We have no funds in our hands.

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你轻松掌控你手头的事,how you know what you're doing,

他手头比过去松多了。He's much better off than before.

你手头有笔吗?Do you happen to have a pen handy?

我一般手头上和健身房内都同时准备2-3瓶。I keep 2-3 on-hand and at the gym.

现在,让我们完成手头的工作。Now, let us finish the work at hand.

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他重新分析了手头的数据。He went back and re-analyzed his data.

他把手头的那瓶酒喝完了。He punished the bottle of wine he kept.

那么,你手头上是否也有一个大项目?So, do you have a big project on the go?

我手头没有现钱,我没有现款。I have no cash in hand--I am out of cash.

但是到2009年年中,他手头已经所剩无几。But by mid-2009 he was almost out of cash.

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嗯,行,你手头有笔和纸吗?Good, do you have a paper and pencil handy?

我装修新房子时用光了手头的钱。I used up my money decorating my new house.

现在你知道如何处理手头的截止日期了吗?Do you know how to deal with your deadlines?

我们之中的大部分人没有在思考上花费足够的时间,而是因为手头的事情忙的不可开交。Most of us don’t spend enough time thinking.

我们需要很多碎肉。我们手头没有多少了。We need a lot of mince. We haven't got much.

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但她说手头有点事。But she said she had something else going on.

我手头没有现钱,我没有现款。Eg. I have no cash in hand--I am out of cash.

我最近手头有点儿紧。I am a bit financially overstretched recently.