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性能先进的混砂设备。It is kind of advanced Mixer.

性能先进的混砂设备。It is a kind of advanced Mixer.

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他们大多是先进工作者。They are mostly advanced workers.

车头先进的人多的是…This is personal attitute problem.

非常方便,是最先进的。Very convenient, state-of-the-art.

我们有先进的水过滤器。We have an excellent water filter.

这东西在它的时代超级先进!It's a light-year ahead of its time.

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这家工厂拥有一套先进的排气装置。The factory has an advanced exhaust.

需求侧管理是一项先进的管理方法。DSM is an advanced management methods.

我们要向先进工作者学习。We should learn from advanced workers.

可实现先进先出,或先进后出。Can achieve advanced, or advanced after.

他的先进事迹都上了电视了。His model deeds have been publicized on TV.

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冰岛利用地热的技术非常先进。Iceland uses geothermal engergy quite well.

为什么要阿尔法betic先进的多维生素?Why take alphabetic advanced multi-vitamin?

豹猫不需要这种先进摄影机。Ocelots have no need for such fancy cameras.

EQ-36雷达是美军最新的一种先进雷达。The EQ-36 is a new advanced radar for the U.

先进公共运输系统?。Advanced Public Transportation Systems, APTS?

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我们的理论是根据于最先进的研究。Our theory is based on cutting-edge research.

他们引进了一些先进设备。They have brought in some advanced equipment.

我司拥有先进的生产设备和技术力量!We have the advanced machines and technicals.