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缝隙将是构件的铸模。The gap would be mold of the member.

斗和木共是这一系列构件中最基本的两个。Bucket and arch is the basic two parts.

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横向构件的自动生产线。Automactic assembly of transverse members.

一个元素只能存在一个构件里。An element can only exist in one component.

建筑中许多铸铁构件经重新铸造得以更换。Much of the cast-iron was recast and replaced.

构件被分组到不同的节点中。The artifacts are grouped into different nodes.

钢-混凝土组合梁是其基本构件之一。Steel-concrete composite beam are its basic members.

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任何基于策略的系统的基本构件。The basic building block of any policy-based system.

这会导致构件严重开裂,开裂总会有碍观瞻。They result in severe cracking which is always ugly.

我应该采用什么构件进行修复?Which components should we consider for remediation?

对CCM标准进行了改进,提出了新的构件模型Z-CCM。Raised a new component model Z-CCM that optimized CCM.

裂纹的存在将直接影响金属构件的正常使用。The crack has an effect on the use of metal component.

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元素不能从一个构件移动到另一个构件。Elements cannot be moved from one component to another.

您也可以从各种视图中拖动某些构件。You can also drag certain artifacts from various views.

这导致了九十年代软件构件技术的兴起。This leads to the rise of software component technology.

模型是任何驱动产生过程或行为的构件。A model is any artifact that drives generation or behavior.

还包括滑动器、滚动条、刻度盘和其它一些构件。These include sliders, scroll bars, dials, and a few others.

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各块木构件接合在一起组成了桌腿。Together, the pieces are joined to form the legs of a table.

另一场离奇资料过程构件。Another fantastic site for information on processes is Neuber.

板状透明构件叠加在显示屏上。The plate-shaped transparent member overlies a display screen.