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这里是你们的住处.This is your quarters.

往东走找个住处。Walk east to find lodgings.

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我不知道他的住处。I don't know where he lives.

找到住处没有?Have you found accommodation?

夜晚,我待在住处,看了看书。At night I stayed in and read.

我们的住处靠近泰晤士河入海口。We live near the Thames estuary.

他们在村子里找到了住处。They found quarters in a village.

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一名遭受家暴的妇女找到免费住处。A battered woman finds free shelter.

把这位先生送到他的住处。Bear this gentleman to his quarters.

“我们可以去我的住处,”卡尔说。“We could go to my place, ” Cal said.

克瑞斯和马克在查里的住处。Chris and Mike are at Charlie's place.

他在他的住处度过了圣诞节。He spent Christmas Day in his lodging.

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从我们住处的窗户看到的秋景。The autumn sight from oue home window.

诺亚陪我一同朝罗丝的住处走去。Noah walked with me toward Rose’s quarters.

我工作的地方到我的住处乘火车需要一个小时。An unlovely ride to work on a crowded train.

你为了掩盖谋杀纵火烧了他的住处?You arsoned his place to cover up the murder?

他的住处遍布整个县。His residences spread-eagle the entire county.

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世界上她心爱的惟—住处。The one only dwelling on earth that she loves.

我们正在找丽莎—海因斯的住处。We are trying to find the house of Lisa Hayes.

这名19岁的女孩目前已被送至一处安全的住处。The 19-year-old has been placed in a safe house.