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生活虽然鄙陋,但我们一样可以享受其中。Life sucks, but we could still enjoy it.

暴政所需的工具,最粗劣鄙陋。The vulgarest tool that Tyranny could want.

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底层社会的人们生活污秽肮脏、粗野鄙陋、一无所有。LIFE at the bottom is nasty, brutish and short.

这风真鄙陋,把我的嘴都亲干了。The wind really meanness, and my mouth close dry.

弱小因灵魂而无畏,鄙陋因思想而永恒。Weak get gut from soul, Shabby immortal for thought.

他们的鄙陋无知造成大错。Their superficiality and ignorance led to a great mistake.

带着追富梦想的非洲人,去往欧洲,找到的仅仅是肮脏和鄙陋。Chasing Riches From Africa to Europe and Finding Only Squalor

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你接收到一张有趣陌生人的照片,然后用一些聪明鄙陋的词儿加上标题。You take a picture of the funny stranger and caption it with something clever and mean.

因惊慌而鄙陋火影忍者受三倍我们约会吧诅咒,因聚划算将被奴役并受苦!Thrice cursed are the weak whose insecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and suffer! ,

本文不揣鄙陋,根据东西方同类工作的内部结构与历史变迁,尝试为此提供一种说明。An explanation, in line with the structural changes of both eastern and western work of the same kind, is attempted in this paper.

舍虽鄙陋不堪,屋顶晃动,朔风穿堂,暴雪可进,雨水可进,然英王不可进!It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter!

该死的,在飞机上度过了40周后,迷失在鄙陋的街道上,吃遍喝遍了全世界的普林格尔斯迷你酒吧,我竟然还没决定是否要再次注册从事正在进行的写书事业。Hell, after spending 40-weeks on planes, lost on back-alley streets and dining on mini-bar Pringles around the world, I'm not even sure I'd sign up to write my current book-in-progress again.

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李洪志的书中处处表现出对佛法理解的粗浅鄙陋,以至于稍有佛学知识的人随处可以指出常识性的错误。Li Hongzhi's books unmasked his shallow and superficial knowledge on Buddhism as well. People with a little Buddhist learnings could be able to point out his mistakes on elementary knowledge.

她领我走上通常是陡峭的楼梯,还有向来为某位可能并不介意撞上其他先生的先生清场的铃声,凄惨地爬到那间鄙陋的屋子,只有床铺和坐浴盆。She led me up the usual steep stairs, with the usual bell clearing the way for the monsieur who might not care to meet another monsieur, on the mournful climb to the abject room, all bed and bidet.