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汤姆的讥讽令他十分窘迫。He was hazed by Tom's satire.

我们都对他的想法报以讥讽的大笑。We all snorted about his idea.

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那倒是一则讥讽的恭维话。That's rather a backhanded compliment.

使该信带有一种讥讽的语气。The letter is keyed to a tone of sarcasm.

我无法再忍受他的讥讽了!I just couldn't take his sneers any longer!

这种质朴冷酷的原教旨主义也许只是一种讥讽?Is this countrified bleak fundamentalism a spoof?

被人讥讽为饶舌老人的信口雌黄。Be scorned like old men of less truth than tongue.

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虽然时代更迭,但是人们不会忘记通过电视传媒和印刷品相互讥讽嘲笑。Generations exchange sneers on TV and printed page.

当然,我会边读边作充满讥讽的评论。Of course, I made sarcastic comments along the way.

她的支持者们说那条信息只是讥讽之意。Her supporters said the retweet was meant as satire.

“谁会想到这?”她的声调里含着严肃的讥讽说。"Who'd have guessed it? "she said , sarcasm heavy in her tone.

一些人还用铭牌上的俚俗冲锋口号讥讽警察。Some used the slang slogan on the nameplate to mock the police.

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他从不谈什么柔情,除非是嘲笑、讥讽它。He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.

他从来不说温情脉脉的话,更不用说讲话时常带着讥讽和嘲笑的口吻。He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.

好几个人都不约而同地以讥讽的口吻作出回答。This answer came derisively from several places at the same instant.

因为很多人都是看热闹的心态,还大喊讥讽性的口号。Because many of them are cuirious, and shouted the sarcastic slogans.

“干得真不赖,”穆里尼奥竖起大拇指,带着明显的讥讽口吻说道。"Well done," said Mourinho, raising his thumbs in semaphored sarcasm.

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他担心自己的精神性,然后又讥讽他的营友。He worries about his spirituality and then skewers his fellow campers.

可是埃姆说话的态度并没有讥讽或傲慢狂妄的气味。Yet there was nothing sarcastic or supercilious in the way Ames spoke.

在斯开普顿的作品里几乎听不到萨蒂那种讥讽的智慧。There is little of Satie's sardonic wit to be heard in Skempton's works.