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提心吊胆的世界。The scary world.

也非常非常非常提心吊胆。And very very very scary.

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难怪人的事情会使小丑虾提心吊胆。No wonder people thing clowns are scary.

好吧!我们就在指挥塔里提心吊胆好了。Okey, so we stay on our toes in the tower.

基于上面所说的,第二个令人提心吊胆的声音。So with that said, scary voice Number Two.

冒一次险,胜过时时提心吊胆。Better pass a danger once, than be always in fear.

他对考试结果感到提心吊胆的。He was on tenterhooks about the result of the exam.

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做坏事的人经常提心吊胆,因为怕被人发觉。A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by fear of discovery.

那个受贿人因怕被人发觉而经常提心吊胆。The grafter was haunted by the fear of being discovered.

忘掉这种提心吊胆防护侧翼的混账事儿。Forget this Goddamn business of worrying about our flanks.

哈雷为马尔科姆提心吊胆,但是他也同样为他的书担心。Haley cared for Malcolm, but he cared for the book no less.

乍看起来,成为一名创业者可能令人提心吊胆。On the face of it, becoming an entrepreneur can sound scary.

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大部分等待的人都在提心吊胆地猛抽香烟。Most of the men waiting were pulling nervously on cigarettes.

有东西让我们的祖先提心吊胆。These are things that are scary in our ancestral environment.

在那里他们提心吊胆地窥视着窗外的常青藤。In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine.

这是拍摄途中最危险的一次,拍摄的时候我提心吊胆。That was the most dangerous photo I have taken, it was pretty scary.

几十年来,核电站断电一直是令人提心吊胆的问题之一。The station blackout has been one of the great concerns for decades.

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现在,印度的小城市的生活可能已经大有改善,但仍过的是提心吊胆,忧心忡忡的日子。Life in small-town India may be better, for now, but it is precarious.

我提心吊胆地等着杰克叔叔告诉阿迪克斯我的理由。I waited, on tenterhooks, for Uncle Jack to tell Atticus my side of it.

“就是一本书呗,”她推托着说,提心吊胆地四下看看。It's just a book, " she said evasively, looking about with apprehension."