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他在天平盘上放了两个砝码。He placed two weights in the scale pan.

舍甫琴柯将给我们的攻击力增加砝码。Sheva would make an ideal addition to our attack.

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这样就会在我求职的过程中增加一快很有分量的砝码。It will increase the weight in my process of finding job.

用酒精对电子称及砝码进行清洁。Clear the Electronic balance and Weights gauge by alcohol.

他们享有先客后主的优势,这是他们晋级的最大砝码。They're away at Anfield in the first leg and that's a big factor.

同位素参考物质是同位素地质测量的“砝码”。Isotopic reference materials are "weight" for isotopic measurement.

感量为50毫克或更精密的天平,不论是否带有砝码。Balances of a sensitivity of 50mg or better, with or without weights.

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对于小模型,可用装满铅丸的容器作为砝码。For small models we can use as weights containers filled with lead shot.

白羊宫和他的战士们太可恶了!那些白痴们弄坏一些砝码。Aries and his warriors be damned! Those idiots broke some of the weights.

小雕象作为砝码与天平一起使用。The figurine was used as a suspended weight together with a balance scale.

在选秀选拜纳姆和砝码儿时也有争议。There were questions about the drafting of Andrew Bynum and Jordan Farmar.

衡器检定通常是采用直接加砝码法。Weighing instrument verification usually adopts direct plus weight method.

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有关研究表明,举重运动员在蓝色的体育馆内能举起更重的砝码。Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.

这样就会在我求职的过程中增加一快很有分量的砝码。In doing so, this shall increase an important power during searching for job.

人格,才艺,亲和力,甚至于奇谋诡诈的手段,都有可能成为加重分量的砝码。Personality, talent, kindness, and maybe even quirkiness, may tip the scales.

两样的砝码、两样的升斗,都为耶和华所憎恶。Diverse weights and diverse measures are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

在那一刻,我加强游戏砝码,开始专注和想象在该公司工作的样子。At this point I stepped up my game and began to focus and imagine working there.

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在接受砝码尔的挑战后,拜纳姆还投进一个半场球。At one point Bynum even made a half-court shot after a challenge by Jordan Farmar.

他们常常将高现货价格作为抬高合同价格的砝码。They often cite high spot prices as the reason for jagging up the contract prices.

如此便利的交通,更是为四星级的富豪金丰酒店添加一个重量级的砝码。Such convenient traffic conditions adds to the charm of this four star Regal Hotel.