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涉水而过,投奔岸的另一边。Splashing, to shore on the other side.

投奔我的关口是十字架的苦难。The gateway is the cross to get to Me.

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据报导,还有一些利比亚官员来投奔了西方。Other Libyan officials are reported to have defected.

不仅是没有必要手捧帽子毕恭毕敬地投奔中国。Not only is there no need to rush off to China cap in hand.

民国26年二哥曾经寄回一封信,说要投奔延安。In 26 years, brother have send back a letter, said to Yanan.

越来越多的伪军投奔到人民这方面来。More and more puppet troops crossed over to the people's side.

逃出生天的她逃到了芝加哥,投奔了叔叔埃米利奥,他也是一个黑帮分子。Escape from she fled to Chicago, to uncle Emilio, he is a gangster.

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那些没有亲戚可以投奔的寡妇则很少有选择的余地。For those without relatives to take them in, there are few options.

考虑到新闻集团目前的状况,或许八月份才是乔纳森•米勒投奔雅虎最佳时机。Given all the situation at News Corp., the timing perhaps could be august.

后来他听说太子建在宋国,便找到他一起投奔吴国。He later heard that Prince built in the Song, they found him defect to Wu.

逃出生天的她逃到了芝加哥,投奔了叔叔埃米利奥,他也是一个黑帮分子。Survive her escape to Chicago, defected to uncle emilio, he is also a gangster.

美国国债价格飙升,因为投资者认为美债安全而纷纷投奔至此。U.S. Treasury bonds surged in price as investors fled to their perceived safety.

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面对如此高温,躲在空调屋还是投奔一片清凉的大海。Facing such heat, hiding in air conditioning room or to a cool and refreshing sea.

弟媳确定甘索会来米兰内洛投奔他。Milan's Thiago Silva is certain that Ganso wants to come to join him at Milanello.

你有没有找到一所你可以投奔并能医治你的创伤的教会?Have you found a church home that provides you with refuge and balm for your wounds?

当她被人抛弃,受尽屈辱,身心交瘁,如果她无处可以投奔,那就太可怕了。When she's alone and humiliated and broken it would be dreadful if she had nowhere to go.

如果你现正行走自己的道路,愿你今天就回转,投奔于神。If you are walking in your own way now, let this be the day that you commit yourself to God.

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它和真实的关系变得微妙。涉水而过,投奔岸的另一边。One should react to it as if crossing a river from this shore to the other while reading it.

毕竟,没有人拼命逃离西柏林的自由而投奔东柏林的暴政。After all, no one ever tried to escape from freedom in West Berlin to tyranny in East Berlin.

邱瑞见事情已成定局,只得带着儿子以及一帮手下投奔了程咬金。QiuRui see things already in place, but with a son and a helper to process under the bite gold.