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他不懂蔬菜的栽培。He grows rose in the garden.

用来栽培菇类的树木。Trees used for mushroom growing.

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他在他屋后的一块空地上栽培花木。He gardened the lot behind his house.

但是栽培海藻就不同了。But cultivation is a different matter.

操作机床.栽培洋葱。To operate lathes. To cultivate onion.

单栽培就是这样的一种转变。Monocultures are a case of such mutation.

其中野葛是栽培种。Conclusion Lobata was cultured among them.

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他对蔬菜栽培感兴趣。He is interested in vegetable cultivation.

适宜在春秋露地及保护地栽培。In autumn production and site cultivation.

矮化是果树栽培发展的趋势。Dwarf culture is tendency for fruit growing.

欧洲一种葱,常象冬葱一样栽培和应用。European leek cultivated and used like leeks.

丁香属植物二新栽培变种。Two new cultivated varieties of syringa linn.

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这里运用的是反季节的栽培技术。But with the off-season cultivation technique.

来喜容许必然会尽心栽培二人!To xi will allow with two cultivation! ! ! ! !

第一类由38份栽培青麻组成。The first group included 38 cultivated species.

软化栽培为菊苣有效的栽培方式之一。Blanching culture was one of a effective method.

茎干被用为栽培附生兰类的基质。Trunks are used as medium for orchid cultivation.

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我是真葡萄树,我父是栽培的人。I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.

我国是荷的原产国,荷在我国栽培历史悠久。Nelumbo nucifera has a long history in our country.

现在把这种栽培方法叫做水栽法。Today this method of farming is called hydroponics.