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汽船突突地前进。The boat chugged along.

她的心突突地直跳。Her heart went pit-a-pat.

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小船稳稳地顺着运河突突地航行。The boat chugged along the canal.

小船稳稳地顺著运河突突地航行。The boat chugged along the canal.

抽水机突突地冒出了水。The pump was stuttering out water.

一个女人突地出现在门口。A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.

后来,我听到火车突突地驶离了车站。Then I heard the train stutter out of the staiton.

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我眼前一片云雾,热血在我太阳穴里突突地跳动。My eyes clouded over and the blood pulsated in my temples.

邻家的门环一声响,那更使她心头突地一跳。The ringing of her neighbor knocker set her heart pounding.

当听说哥哥的事时,突地感到天地都暗下来了。When heard when elder brother's matter, felt suddenly the world darkly got down.

冯云卿的心突地一跳,脸上变色,暂时之间回答不来。He remained calm before danger, his face not turning pale, his heart not jumping.

巡警的车子停了下来,可顶灯还在闪着,马达也在突突地发动。Even after the patrol car drew to a halt, its roof light stayed on, engine left running.

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突地又想起了戴望舒的那条如梦般凄婉迷茫的雨巷了。Tude has thought of Dai Wangshu plaintive confused as to which the Dream of the Rain Lane.

急速奔跑一段时间,突地一下弹起,去碰触那些跃过眉宇的树叶,有的只是无限的快感。Fast running time, Tude about pop-up to those who jump across the forehead to touch the leaves, there are only infinite pleasure.

在游船突突地向海沧大桥挺进的一路上,我们还交会过驳船、挖泥船,以及小渔船。The loading cranes stretch away in serried ranks, and we passed barges, dredgers, and even the odd fishing boat as we chugged up towards Haicang.

有一忽儿我真怕要倒在街上了。我眼前一片云雾,热血在我太阳穴里突突地跳动。For a moment, I was genuinely afraid that I would collapse on to the cobbles of the street. My eyes clouded over and the blood pulsated in my temples.