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地穴恶魔们,你们这是自寻死路!Crypt fiends, you're not prepared!

老天,四个地穴蜘蛛在休息!Heaven, four popular Spider rest !

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地穴恶魔的碰撞体积稍微增大。Crypt Fiend pathing size slightly increased.

它还有八个地下室,叫做大地穴。It also has eight underground rooms called kivas.

地穴怪会使用一些标准的地穴怪攻击方式。The Kergrim will use some of the standard Kergrim attacks.

印第安男人在地穴里聚会,举行特殊仪式。The Indian men gathered in the kivas for special ceremonies.

房间内有许多洞穴妖怪和地穴怪正在相互打斗。In this room there are many cave claws and kergrim fighting eachother.

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当地穴恶魔使用钻地技能后,蛛网的自动施放不会被关闭。When you unburrow a Crypt Fiend, its auto-cast will no longer be toggled off.

矮人是山岩之王,他们住在地穴或者崎岖不平的地方。Dwarves are hardy mountain kin which live in the earth and rugged places of the land.

在她早期的炼金术士生涯中,薇多米娜有一次在地穴之岛发现了一个传说中的宝物。In her early alchemist days, Vidomina once sought a legendary artifact on the Isle of Crypts.

为得到宝物,伊莎贝尔必须与那些游荡在地穴中无法安息的鬼魂作战。Isabel will have to fight the restless spirits who haunt the crypt in order to get the artifact.

在大主教的古墓中,你返回污浊地穴的传送门现在可以正确显示标示了。The portal in the Chancellor's Tomb returning you to the Defiled Crypt is now correctly labeled.

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有一次蜘蛛魔那帮废物惹了我,让我单枪匹马杀到地穴,咬死六七个敌手。Once those spider demons waste Positions me, I single-handedly killed festivals, killed 67 opponent.

被克隆人的进攻压倒后,波格尔命令他的战士撤入地穴。Overwhelmed by the attack of the clones, Poggle ordered his warriors to withdraw into the catacombs.

有很多地穴被作为维修的小室。而清洁用的工具被放在灵柩的上面。There are stories of crypts being used as maintenance closets, with cleaning supplies stored on top of coffins.

威克特和辛德尔留守在地穴入口处,成年伊渥克人和梅斯则向洞穴深处进发。Wicket and Cindel stayed just inside the cave entrance as the older Ewoks and Mace went deeper into the cavern.

地穴编织者极快的攻击扰乱了敌人的时间,使敌人的身体与大脑时间不同步。Nerubian Weaver's supreme high speed attack disrupted enemys' time. made their body and brain are not coordinate.

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恶龙在上,地穴在下,去找到叨扰乌鸦的声音。那里就是地狱的深渊。Dragons high and dungeons low, find the voice that scares the crows. Deep, black hell and the darkness there dwells.

同样,如果玩家向右走,消灭王后的卫兵boss后就会与地穴怪首领进行决战。Likewise if players head to the right and kill the Queen's Guards Bosses they will fight the Kergrim King at the end.

地穴怪身边是三个精英级洞穴妖怪。他会使用基本的召唤师攻击技能,此外,还拥有一项特殊技能。The Kergrim will be surrounded by three elite Cave-claws. He will use basic Summoner attacks. He will have one special skill.