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晏子重礼而不墨守陈规,对继承、发展齐礼治文化做出了重要贡献。He makes great contribution to inheriting and developing the culture of Confucian management.

其背景在于周、秦社会是一个特别重视礼治传统的礼治社会。It was originated from the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, in which rites played a dominant role in the society.

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小妾是一夫多妻社会中特有女性群体,她们承受着礼治社会多重的文化压迫。Concubines, a unique female school in the society of polygamy, endure cultural oppression ring upon ring.

周初制礼作乐,出于礼治文化的需要,对前代礼乐多所损益。At the beginning of Zhou dynasty, rite and music were created to meet the needs of the culture of ruling by rites.

从价值观的视域回答“礼治何以可能”是儒家礼治哲学要解决的核心问题。The problem why the rule of rite to be possible in field of value is the core of Confucius philosophy on rule of rite.

孔子的礼治论是守旧的,基于繁文缛节,非科学的方法,已被1919年的五四运动所否定。Kongfuzi's Lizhi is backward looking, custom-based and non-scientific in approach and is renounced in the May 4th Movement of 1919.

叶适对荀子虽多有批判,但在思想本质上仍继承其礼治主义的精神。Although Yeshi had criticized Xunzi more often than not, he carried on Xunzi's spirit of government on etiquette in ideological nature.

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礼治显然是人的积极有为之治,但从本源上讲,礼的源头是“天地”、“先祖”和“君师”。Lilly rule is obviously there was a positive rule, but in terms of origin, Lilly is the source of "Heaven and Earth", "ancestors" and "Eagle division.

中国古代国家管理思想的发展一般认为从礼治开始,经过法治,然后到汉代有了比较成熟的“德主刑辅”这样一个过程。The ancient Chinese national administration thought experienced a process from rule by rites, to rule by law and then to rule mainly by virtue with penalty as assistance.

他的思想,奠定了从秦汉到晚清中国封建社会的礼治模式的思想基础。His thought, establish from Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty till Manchu Dynasty last years of the period China feudalistic society of the Rite cure mode of thought foundation.