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第二章着重讨论了博弈论语义学。Chapter two comes to game-theoretical semantics.

比起其他的来,关于冥王星的行星身份的论战也许更多是语义学上的争执。planethood may be more semantic than anything else.

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哲学语义学深奥难懂。Philosophical semantics is too abstruse to understand.

未来桌面的语义学将是完全开放的。The semantics of the future desktop will be open-ended.

这使句法学有别于音位学和语义学。This distinguished syntax from phonology and semantics.

卡尔纳普试图从语义学角度来定义因果必然性。Carnap tried to define causality from the angle of semantics.

结构语义学研究含蓄的语义关系。Structural semantics deals with implicational lexical relations.

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这是因为语义学分析置语用学于不顾。This is all because pragmatics has been neglected by semantic analysis.

语用学是研究什么的?它和传统语义学有何不同?What does pragmatics study? How does it differ from traditional semantics?

语义成分分析是一种解释词义的语义学方法。Componential analysis is a semantic approach to explaining lexical meaning.

比起其他的来,关于冥王星的行星身份的论战也许更多是语义学上的争执。The battle over Pluto's planethood may be more semantic than anything else.

词语义学被实施字典的逻辑区域。The logical area of the dictionary in which word semantics are implemented.

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许多学者曾从语义学、语用学等不同角度对广告文本进行研究。The present paper intends to make a rhetorical analysis of advertising texts.

对于词汇关系的研究在语义学和词汇学领域已有很长历史。The study of lexical relations has a long history in semantics and lexicology.

归根到底就是语义学,你所选择的语句是至关重要的。While much of this boils down to semantics, your choice of words are critical.

连语义学都合谋把一切凡有“黑”字的东西说成是丑的、卑劣的。Even semantics have conspired to make that which is black seem ugly and degrading.

其中操作语义学和指称语义学是形式语义学的两大类别。Operational semantics and denotational semantics are two type of formal semantics.

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框架语义学对间接回指中指称确定和认知推理有较强的解释力。Frame semantics interprets the confirmation of the anaphor and cognitive discursion.

法起源问题的争论实质只是语义学上的分岐。The, controversial essential about the origin of law is only a semantics dissension.

以1935年为界,卡尔纳普先后提出了所谓逻辑句法和语义学。Carnap's meaning theory experienced a change from logical syntax to semantics in 1935.