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可能会引起公路暴怒。you could get road rage.

是什么引起潮汐的?By what are tides set up?

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疥螨会引起疥疮。Itch mites cause scabies.

音乐引起了难过的回忆。Music wakes sad memories.

这很容易引起争议。This is more contentious.

究竟什么引起岔气?What exactly causes them?

这些都不能引起我的兴趣。None of these appeal to me.

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他的论据引起了我的兴趣。His argument appealed to me.

超负荷的工作会引起疾病。Over-work brings on illness.

他引起了周围之人的仇恨。He arouses hatred around him.

肺炎由流感引起。Lung fever develops from flu.

这当然也引起我的忿怒。That of course raised my ire.

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这部电影引起了我们大家的兴趣。The film intrigued all of us.

服用阿司匹林会引起胃溃疡,这我们都知道。Aspirin causes stomach ulcers.

他的警告值得引起重视。His warning was worth heeding.

这本书确实引起了我的共鸣。The book really knocks me out.

那个发现引起了轰动。The discovery was sensational.

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这引起了爱德华的醋意大发。This caused Edward's jealousy.

软性下疳由病毒所引起。Chancroid is caused by a virus.

她冷酷无情的态度引起我的反感。Her callous attitude repels me.