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这是所神秘而可怕的旧宅。It was a weird old house.

据说那栋旧宅里有鬼出没。People say that the old house is haunted by a ghost.

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原来多年以前,老家旧宅早已改成了百货店的商品堆栈。So my old house had long been transformed into the warehouse of a department store!

对于业主购买的这栋旧宅,没有太多关于它什么时候被建和是谁建造的信息。The owner bought an old house and there is not much information about when or who built the house.

老人们在旧宅前喝茶聊天,悠闲自得,成为一出不会谢幕的人间舞台剧。Old people in the old house before the tea chat, leisurely, not a curtain call to become a human stage drama.

二月红醒来后,发现丫头不见了,他一路上寻找爱妻,走着走着,回到了以前的旧宅。February red woke up, found the girl disappeared, he looking for his wife, all the way walk, back to the old curtilage.

三间小屋坐落其间,加上弗莱明的旧宅,还有一个俯瞰大海的餐厅,这就是如今的“黄金眼”别墅。Set among them are three villas that, with Fleming's original house and a restaurant overlooking the ocean, make up the current property.

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在村里见得最多的还是墙连墙、门连门的旧宅一进进,嵌有“福”字的石窗、雕花砖窗随处可见。The most seen in the village or walls with walls, the door of the old house into the door, embedded with "blessing" word stone window, carved brick windows everywhere.

本文建议针对影响因素的差异性,采取相应的政策措施,通过增强农村推力和城市拉力,减弱农村拉力和城市推力,引导农民工退出旧宅基地。It is suggested that governments may take measures to reinforce rural push and urban pull, weaken rural pull and urban push to guide migrant workers to abandon their homesteads.

然而好景不长,待村民们过完春节,他们又像“候鸟”一样陆陆续续地回到了洲上的旧宅。But a good time never lasts long, it finishes spending the Spring Festival to treat the villagers, they got back to old house on the continent successively like" migratory bird".

历史街巷与旧宅反映了城市一定历史时期的市民生活的印痕,对其进行保护与整治能生动体现城市的历史与文化。The historical streets and houses reflect the city life traces during a certain historical period, protecting and remediation them can vividly reflect the city's history and culture.

塔比莎从炉边烟熏火燎的凳子上起身,将酒瓶搁在彼得跟前,紧挨着那盏古老的铜灯,这玩意儿也是他大闹旧宅的战利品。Tabitha arose from her smoke-blackened bench in the chimney-corner, and placed the bottle before Peter, close beside the old brass lamp, which had likewise been the prize of his researches.