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可是,在他心中却有极深的属灵渴求。He had a deep spiritual hunger.

有些运动是渴求资源的。Some sports are resource-hungry.

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但我一直以来只渴求一份真爱。But I've only hungered for a true love.

这是饥饿的海在渴求着安慰。It is the unpastured sea hungering for calm.

人类对赞赏的渴求早已有之。The human desire for recognition starts early.

如你所愿。如果卡利俄珀是你所真正渴求的话,我可以帮你。If Calliope is your true desire, I can help you.

满足了你渴求的眼,甚至满溢腻烦Thy hungry eyes even till they wink with fulness

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雇员们其实非常渴求这样的协作关系。Employees are in fact eager for such collaboration.

不要去问它现在为什么如此渴求自主经营。No wonder why it now fiercely defends its autonomy.

看到我的欲望在她渴求抚摸的炯炯欲望中如雾起雾消。I see my desire dissolved in her desire for my touch.

一切都过去之后,对于生活的渴求也消散了。When everything is over, the thirst for life is gone.

佛陀曾说,苦痛是在不断的渴求中诞生的。The Buddha once claimed that desire creates suffering.

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曼城队最近购入的纳斯里凸显了他们在这方面的渴求。City’s recent purchase of Nasri really bumps them up here.

而存在于这种体验之中的相互关系正是我们每一个人所渴求的。It is the mutuality of this experience that we each crave.

但如果你爱了,又有所渴求,就让这些成为你的所求吧But if you love and have desires, let these be your desires

你若发现自己不再热切渴求神的话语,请回想神的话语过去如何帮助和引导你。Remember how much the Word of God has meant to you in the past.

我渴求你的亲吻,我想长伴你至天明,亲爱的。Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.

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当调整渴求内存的程序时它们各有用处。All of them have their uses when tunning a memory-hungry program.

提姆十分渴求知识,以致于找得到的书他都读。Tim is so greedy for knowledge that he reads every book available.

我需要,我渴求,我乞求,让他用口与我亲嘴吧。I ask,I crave,I implore, let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth.