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高旭对西方文化的见解,具有独到之处。Gaoxu had special view on western culture.

这就是那尖锐而有独到之处的论点。This is the pungent and original argument.

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但是,下一代因特网计算的独到之处在哪儿呢?But what is unique about this next generation of Internet computing?

这虽是民间传说,但保定的春不老确实有独到之处。Although this is a folk legend, but the spring is not the old Baoding indeed unique.

这些模仿外国同行的中国企业家在运营手段上也不乏独到之处。And imitative Chinese entrepreneurs can bring innovative management methods to China.

带有一个能够保温的外瓶,是这个2合1奶瓶的独到之处,外瓶可以保持里面物品的温度。The 2-in-1 bottle features a temperature retentive case that keeps the contents warm.

蚜虫是园丁们的噩梦,却也可能成为生物学家们梦寐以求的研究样本,因为它们在生物进化方面有独到之处。Aphids can be a gardener’s nightmare. But they may be an evolutionary biologist’s dream.

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这里无什么独到之处,但确实是有标价便宜的美食呢。There’s nothing fancy here but there is really good food that is very reasonably priced.

维基百科是有史以来最大的百科全书,完全由志愿者编写是其独到之处。Wikipedia is different. It's the largest encyclopedia in history, written by volunteers.

其中的一些只是现有网站的可耻滴克隆体,另外一些则有自己的独到之处。Some were just blatant clones of the existing web sites, some where unique and different.

西非国家在农业生物技术上已经具有了一定专业知识、中非则在生物多样性上有独到之处,它们都将向非洲其它国家传播这些知识。West Africa has expertise in agricultural biotechnology and central Africa in biodiversity.

这个数据集中的独到之处在于,因为分类注解而知道条目之间的关系。A unique feature of the datasets is a taxonomy annotating known relations between the items.

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凯尚设计具有多元的文化背景,它的独到之处在于对多元化文化的领悟。KaySchuh design with diverse cultural backgrounds, it is unique in the insight of diverse cultures.

总体而言,明亮的色彩必不可少,而横截面的运用也常常有其独到之处。Generally brilliant color is a must and often cross-sections are as unique as Technicolor snowflakes.

惠城区是全市经济发展的领头羊,在工业园区建设方面有许多独到之处。Huicheng Area is the leader of Huizhou economic and it plays a key role in industrial zone development.

他们的确在供应链及硬体设计上有些独到之处."They do have some expertise in supply chain, they do have some expertise in hardware design," he said.

最近一堂课中,导师让参与者解释乔布斯的独到之处。The instructor at a recent session asked the participants to explain Steve Jobs's distinguishing talent.

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对药房的管理有独到之处。工作勤劳、努力、踏实。She is laborious, studious and surefooted at work and has the original method in the management of dispensary.

但由于受本族语的影响,中国人网上聊天的语言有其独到之处。It also discussed some particular features in the Chinese chat room, which are specific to Chinese chatters only.

在垂体腺瘤、颅咽管瘤及脑血管病的诊治方面有独到之处。In the pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma and the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular disease have unique.