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我需要桌灯,请帮我把它打开。Please help me turn it on.

你在日常生活中会否使用到桌灯?Do you use table lamps in daily life?

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桌灯刚刚突然不亮了。The table lamp just went out suddenly.

你的家中有多少盏桌灯?How many table lamps do you have at home?

六个桌灯,三个茶几,一架钢琴。Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano.

我需要桌灯,请帮我把它打开。I need the desk light. Please help me turn it on.

打开你的桌灯就会有足够的光线。Turn on your desk light and there is enough light.

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你不使用桌灯的主要原因是甚麽?What is the main reason for not using table lamps?

它们甚至印在墙纸和桌灯的灯泡上。They are even printed on the wall paper and the balls of the table-lights.

只要手指头一碰感应器,就可以利用足够的热气,转换成电能开启小小桌灯。By simply placing your thumb on a sensor, you can harness enough heat to switch on a small desk-lamp.

蘑菇可携式LED桌灯结合了新颖的LED光源科技与现代、极简、精鍊的设计美学。"Mushroom LED Portable Lamp" is a conglomerate of novel LED lighting and design aesthetics- modern, simple, and refined.

家具灯、手把灯、厨柜灯、桌灯、立灯、壁灯、射灯、台灯、吸顶灯、吊灯、柱灯、节能灯、莹光灯、卤素灯、镇流器、电子式镇流器等。Furniture light, handle light, closet light, table light, lamp, wall lamp, recess light, chandelier, post-lamp, energy-saving lamp, halogen light, ballast, electronic ballast, etc.

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本系列作品利用土法炼钢的特殊而简单的连结方式,以捆绑、胶合、堆积的形式作为造型的发展,包含了桌灯与悬臂灯。This series of works demonstrates this unique approach. The connection of elements is simply through binding, gluing, and piling up. The series includes desk lamps and cantilevered lamps.