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对精神性的追求是艺术发展的原动力和支撑点。Seeking after spirit is the impulsion of development of art.

在日常生活中,支撑点也是非常重要的。Handholds are needed also during the course of everyday life.

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因此词汇教学是英语教学的支撑点。So vocabulary teaching is the supporting point in English teaching.

这些线代表了支撑点和阻力点的价格水平。These lines are considered to represent support and resistance levels.

利用藤蔓或者细的绿枝条把三个支撑点捆扎点一起。Use vine or thin green branches to lash together all three support points.

陶渊明的人生悲剧在于其人生支撑点的失落。Tao Yuanming s tragic life lies on the break-down of lifes supporting point.

这些便是我所发现的精神支撑点,它们具有永恒的价值。These are the principal spiritual handholds I have found to possess enduring value.

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为了给所有这些问题找到支撑点,我们只能假设人类最终的权利能得到解放与自由。Underpinning it all is the premise that the ultimate right of humans is to be free.

这是非常给力的支撑点,当团队表现不错时,这意味着一个进球的机会。That is an extraordinary strong point. When the team plays high, it means a goal chance.

地震发生时,大多数人们会畏缩在过道,或者家里其他坚固支撑点内。When an earthquake strikes, most people cower in doorways, or other strong points in their homes.

泵轴有独立的支撑点,使电机轴承运行可靠。Pump shaft is provided with independent supporting point to ensure dependable running of motor bearing.

那天下午钓了多少鲑鱼,我已经不记得了,但我绝对忘不了支撑点的重要性。I have forgotten how many trout I caught that afternoon, but I have not forgotten the value of handhold.

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湖人队的最大需要的是防守的支撑点,随后进行了回篮下得分手。The Lakers biggest need is defensive anchor, followed by a back to the basket scorer with triangle skills.

Mackay教授利用小切口手术插入一小块的胶带代替受伤的韧带作支撑点。Prof Mackay uses keyhole surgery to insert a tiny piece of tape which acts as a brace over injured ligaments.

被称为摩擦滑移索单元的新单元有三个节点,中间节点为支撑点。Friction sliding cable element is called to this new three-node element, which takes the support as the middle node.

他的作品也因用数理模式作为其艺术创作新的支撑点,从而给我们呈现出独特的视觉效果。His works give us a unique visual effect by using mathematical mode as the supporting point of his artistic creation.

由于理念不以实存为其出发点,又不以实存为其支撑点,因此便常常被当作单纯是一种形式的逻辑的东西。Because it has no existence for starting-point and point d'appui, the Idea is frequently treated as a mere logical form.

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战术就两点。第一,身体流生吃曼联。其次,进攻中以高中锋皮特·克劳奇为支撑点发动攻势。The strategy was two-fold. First, out-muscle United. Then, channel the attack through Peter Crouch, the tall target man.

作为现代旅游的支撑点,城市旅游引起了多方的注意。As the supporting point of modern tourism industry, urban tourism is giving rise to the attention from different aspects.

明确提出支撑点与跨中点围护桩支撑刚度的不同公式,用以冠梁不同部位桩的分析,包括桩顶最大与最小位移。The stiffness formula for fulcrum bearing is put forward as well as that for the middle part between fulcrums of the top beam.