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飞离凯恩斯和汤斯维尔的航班皆满员。Cairns and Townsville fly flights are full.

看上去已经满员的厕所里还有一个空档位。They appeared full, but no, there was one empty cubicle.

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这很疯狂,像我们班都已经满员了。It's just crazy, like our classes are getting really full.

同样,如果订阅队列满员,就会很不方便。It is equally inconvenient if that subscription queue fills up.

交换的军团必须对应场上军团的满员或缺员。只有反法联盟成员能使用此卡。If there is no corps available in reserve, this card cannot be played.

跟往常一样,巴士晚点了,而且乘客满员,她只有站在过道上。As usual, the bus was late – and jammed. She had to stand in the aisle.

一旦事件队列满员,那个队列的新消息将被丢弃。Once the event queues fill up, new event messages for that queue are discarded.

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他还说,许多监狱囚犯人数是满员的三到四倍。He also said that many prisons are filled to three or four times their capacity.

现在大多数大学和中学的秋季学期招聘都满员儿了。Now, most universities and middle schools have stopped hiring for the fall semester.

满员时混响时间很可能略小于1.6秒。The reverberation time was probably slightly less than 1.6 seconds when fully occupied.

这是一种优雅的系统,在队列满员之前,它都能很好地工作。It's an elegant system that works wonderfully right up to the moment that the queue fills up.

登机以后,我在公务舱落座,舱内已经满员了。After the boarding process, I settled into my seat in the Business Class cabin, which was full.

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此外,为了让本地的监狱满员,他们给警长们经济激励。Additionally, the sheriffs are given financial incentive in order to keep their local jails full.

他的装甲团拥有两个满员的大队,58梁黑豹,28辆IV型坦克和28辆III型突击炮。Its panzer regiment boasted two full battalions , with 58 Panthers, 28 Panzer IVs and 28 StuG IIIs.

南昌精英网吧的经理说,除夕那天,网吧的300台电脑全部满员。The manager of Jingying Internet Cafe said all of its 300 computers were occupied on New Year's Eve.

一旦火车站附近的工作满员,剩下的市民只有自叹倒霉。When the job sites near the train station get filled up, Sims that follow behind will be out of luck.

显然这只适用于飞机满员的情况,因为不满员的机票将会有折扣。This apparently applies only to full flights, as a flight that is not full qualifies them for a refund.

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第二个人走上前,圣彼得也对他说了天堂满员的事儿,然后问他怎么死的。The second man comes up and Peter explains to him about heaven being full, and again asks for his story.

随后她解释说飞机已经满员,如果有人放弃的话我才能上飞机。She explained that the flight was full, and that the only way I could get on is if someone were a no-show.

当地一家康体俱乐部现在的会员比以往任何时候都多,减肥训练和有氧运动班总是满员。The local health club has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full.