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而我选了人迹更少的一条。I took the one less travelled by.

所有的街灯已灭,嗅无人迹。All the streets were dark and bare.

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她的品德象一片人迹难到的沙漠。Her virtue is like a pathless desert.

夜晚他在杳无人迹的校园里四处徜徉。At night he roamed the deserted campus.

今天是怎麽了?大街上人迹萧然。What is happening today? The street is almost empty.

首先这里应该是杳无人迹的好吗?First of all, it's supposed to be uninhabited , okay?

却再不能见到你归来,从那渺无人迹的地方!But you came not from the empty lands where no men are.

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漫漫细沙滩,沙上点点留人迹,春日更绵绵。On the sandy beach. Footprints. Long is the spring day.

一片广大而尚无人迹的研究领域将被开辟。A grand and almost untrodden field of inquiry will be opened.

在渡过渺无人迹的大海时,我听到了更多的关于他的情况。I learned more about him as we sailed across the desolate sea.

拿破仑到达莫斯科,发现城市杳无人迹,一片废墟。Napoleon reached Moscow to find the city deserted and in ruins.

这一天是淡季,周围没有人迹。On this day, in the off-season, there was no sign of anyone around.

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同时由于山形险要、人迹难至,更增加了无尽的神秘色彩。And the steep cliffs and unreachable inside add more to its mystery.

陡峭的山峦和高原使这块土地的大部分至今人迹罕见。Steep mountains and high plateaus still keep most of the area unpopulated.

在荒无人迹的河边停着一只小船,这只小船只能容纳一个人。In an uninhabited river bank, there is a small boat which can only hold a person.

那房子已被烧毁,沦为一片废墟,杳无人迹,和她那天所经过的每个农庄一模一样。It was burned, in ruins, deserted, as were all the plantations she had passed that day.

春日的暮光笼罩了现在已杳无人迹的海丝特·格蕾花园。the spring twilight took possession of Hester Gray's garden where nobody ever walked now.

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部分原因是,五年前,这里还是杳无人迹。Part of the reason for this was that just five years before the land had been uninhabited.

在这个棕榈树镶边的天堂里,暗绿色的海面上没有人迹。At the edge of this palm-fringed paradise, the sea is a pale, minty hue and empty of people.

当下你需要学习的是罕无人迹的路往往是安全的。And right now what you need to learn is that it's always safe to take the less traveled route.