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枇杷有很多营养,且可以做成药。Loquat has a lot of nutrition and can become medicine.

为该成药质量控制研究提供了参考依据。It provided a reference for the quality control of the drug.

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食品,药材,成药,日用百货,服装,工艺品。Foodstuffs, Medicine, Patent Medicine, Emporium, Garment, Arts & Crafts.

她用几种草药的鲜汁配成药,把它敷在伤口上。She made up a medicine from the juice of herbs and applied it to the wound.

但假如你给所有病人用的都是目前最好的成药,你就永远无法验证新药的疗效。But if you gave every patient the current best drug, you'd never get proven new drugs.

四少爷不明白,为甚麽当大家病了,都不去看医生,只吃成药。Four young do not understand why the disease when we do not see a doctor, only medicines.

任何人只要稍通事理,都知道绝不该如此滥服成药。Anyone with a lick of common sense knows that one must never haphazardly medicate oneself.

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在合成药中,N—甲酰溶肉瘤素对精原细胞瘤有突出疗效。Among synthetic compounds, N-formyl sarcolysin was very effectivein seminoma of the testis.

你的医生可以推荐一种成药的品牌或者开一些产前维他命给你。Your doctor can recommend an over-the-counter brand or prescribe a prenatal vitamin for you.

就是在今天,许多著名成药的配方和剂量也是不能完全公开的。Is today, many well-known prescription medicines and the dose is not completely open to the public.

所以中医才能总结出一些基本的治疗原则、久试不爽的固定方剂,也才能不断生产“成药”。That is the reason why TCM has developed some basic therapeutic principles and effective prescriptions.

公司是一家生产中西成药和生物药品的大型制药企业。Company is a manufacturer of Chinese and Western medicine and bio-pharmaceutical major pharmaceutical companies.

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目的优选成药妇痛安片醇提部分的最佳工艺。Objective To select the optimum condition of extraction processes of alcohol-extraction part of Futongan Troche.

抗结核药物异烟肼制备成药质体能靶向巨噬细胞,提高药物渗透性。The anti-tuberculosis drug isoniazid pharmacosomes was prepared, can improve drug permeability and target macrophage.

选用有防小儿开启之安全瓶盖的咳嗽与感冒成药,并且放置于小孩无法拿取之处。Select OTC cough and cold products with childproof safety caps when available, and keep them out of reach of children.

在过去一年,她还吃含有苯丙醇胺抑制食欲的成药。She has also been taking an over-the-counter appetite suppressant containing phenylpropanol-amine daily during the past year.

本文对药质体概念、特性、目前研究状况和异烟肼制备成药质体前景进行综述。The concepts, characteristics, Current research situation and the preparation prospect of isoniazid pharmacosomes are introduced.

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成药传统出口市场东南亚地区市场萎缩的一个原因是,这些地区的部分中药进口商转型为自产成药的工贸结合型企业。One of the reason for the shrinking of conventional southeast Asian market is due to the emerging local self-dependence enterprises.

于是,我们看到,所谓“特效药”是“达菲”、“特敏福”、“金刚铵”等早已有之的既成药。" Thus, we can see that the so-called "medicine" is the "Tamiflu", "Tamiflu", "King Kong ammonium" and already have both of the medicines.

采用薄层色谱法对藏成药萨热十三味鹏鸟丸中的木香,珍珠进行鉴别,方法易行,结果明显。The paper describes a easy and obvious method of identification for Radix Aucklandiae and Margarita in Tibetan Shisanwei Pengniao Pills by TLC.