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当然是我们种姓中的大员。Our caste-wallah, of course.

所有的人都是生而为那个种姓的。All are born into their caste.

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在北方邦的所有政治基础就是种姓。All UP's politics is caste-based.

这本书论述了印度的种姓制度。This book treats of the caste system in India.

印度上层种姓多数崇拜女神时母。Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.

当然是我们种姓中的大员。他是我们那儿的。Our caste-wallah, of course. He comes from our area.

基于种姓的雇佣配额只会是另一个负担。Caste-based hiring quotas would be just another burden.

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然而他们认为更重要的是库马尔来是一个低种姓。But more importantly for them, he was from a lower caste.

下一波入侵的遇战疯人由战士种姓组成。The next Yuuzhan Vong wave consisted of the warrior caste.

他们是从印度的贱民种姓中来的文盲妇女。They are illiterate women from India's Untouchable castes.

没有印度的假民主和种姓制度,中国还是很好的。China is happy without India's dummy democracy and casteism.

他谈到对种姓制度激怒了婆罗门。He spoke against the caste system which angered the Brahmins.

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天分不局限在地理地域、宗教和种姓上。Talent does not confine to geographical area, religion, caste.

当人口普查调查人员找到你时,你会不会告诉你的种姓?Will you reveal your caste when the census-taker comes calling?

有一天我们不顾种姓的禁忌在这别墅里共享野餐。One day we had a picnic there together, in defiance of caste rules.

我不禁觉得她是在嘲笑高种姓的人。I couldn’t help feeling that she was making fun of high-caste people.

低种姓印度教徒并不接受他们在阶层体系中被奴役的地位。Low-caste Hindus do not accept their lumpen position in the hierarchy.

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但是低种姓的政客对此前景颇为欣喜,因此有可能发生。But low-caste politicians are delighted by theprospect, so it could happen.

种姓制度只是在历史中才有的对吧?The caster system shit is something that only can be found in history, right?

事实上,基于种姓的这种政治集团的激增数量甚至会更高。In fact, the final count of such caste-based proliferation could be much higher.