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我就娶妻生子﹐住下来了。I think I've come down with the flu.

我就娶妻生子﹐住下来了。I got a wife and son and settled down.

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这就是为什么童女生子的故事。That is why the story of the virgin birth.

人人都有结婚生子的权利。Everyone has the right to marry and found a family.

我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no babies.

我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。Shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.

怀孕生子,好长一段时间里,我的生活都围着那个新生命运转。A son, a long time, my life all around the new destiny.

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我将不恋爱,不娶妻,不生子。I shall have no love, take no wife, father no children.

我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father nochildren.

在这家现代化的的日子里,我们不这样做童女生子的事情。In this modern day, we do not do the virgin birth thing.

反对在当代任何条件下的“借腹生子”。Oppose in any present condition take off " borrow belly raw son ".

一约是出于西乃山,生子为奴,而是夏甲One woman in fact is Hagar from Mt.Sinai bearing children for slavery.

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我想读大学,结婚生子,当一名幼儿园教师。I want to go to college and have a family and be a kindergarten teacher.

我衷心地希望他们可以再度生子,为我们带来可爱的熊猫宝宝。I sincerely hope that they will get a chance to bring another adorable cub.

现在,离婚和未婚生子越来越被普遍接受。It is now more widely-accepted than divorce or having a child out of wedlock.

这种执著似乎也把恋爱生子打入了冷宫。This single-mindedness seems to leave little room for romance or procreation.

我的祖母就住在这里,因为她已经结婚生子了。My grandmother stayed here, since she was already married and had small children.

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如今,我已结婚生子,那是在一个假日,丈夫、儿子还有我来到这里看望父亲。I am married now and my husband, son and I went to visit my father over the holidays.

尽管他的家人,他们娶妻生子小企业一起抗议。Despite protests from his family they get married and start a small business together.

从他的报告中,知道他已经在那里娶妻生子,成了个家庭了。From his letters, we knew that he was married there, had children and raised a family.