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它将人们摒弃于天堂之外。It debars men from heaven.

她摒弃一切成见。She put away all prejudices.

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摒弃污点和羞耻。From dishonour and from shame.

全城摒弃他于社交之外。The whole city blackballed him.

我可以摒弃那些不合时宜的。I can discard that which is unfitting.

这些旧思想必须摒弃。These old ideas must be done away with.

但随着一年的工作,报告人已经摒弃这种不安。A year on, the authors have no such qualms.

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正如高等法院摒弃伪证。As the High Court loathes perjurious oaths.

昨晚是一个摒弃悔恨的晚上。Last night was a night for banishing regrets.

我们不能仅仅因为这种实验方法在一些情况下被滥用就完全摒弃这种方法。just because in some rare instances it's misused.

现在,摒弃时间。你明白我们正在做什么吗?Now, eliminate time. You follow what we are doing?

但神创论者摒弃了这些化石研究成果。Creationists, though, dismiss these fossil studies.

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让我们摒弃歧见而共同工作吧。Let us get rid of the fork to see and jointly works.

此时我们必须摒弃个人之间的恩怨。We must blot out the personal enmities at this time.

我们应该摒弃不良作风,保持优良作风。We should get rid of the bad style and keep the good.

那些被摒弃的旧神重新归位,埃及艺术又回到拘泥呆板的古典风格。Egyptian art returned to its classic, ritualized style.

你知道,先生,自我摒弃中的简朴是美。You know, sir, austerity in self-abandonment is beauty.

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缜时间会摒弃那些滑稽的誓言,直至我们也苟同。Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree.

至于预言书,明智的作家们早就将它们摒弃了。As to prophecies, intelligent writers gave them up long ago.

生命是为了达到极乐的涅磐而摒弃自身。Life is the abnegation of self to gain the bliss of Nirvana.