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锻炼自律性。Practice self-discipline.

你能做到自律吗?Do you have self-discipline?

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自律就像肌肉。Self-discipline is like a muscle.

你是自律的人吗?Are you a self-disciplined person?

不容易,如果你没有自律意识。Not easy if you ' re not disciplined.

我同样需要发展一些自律。I also need to develop self-discipline.

就是练习,要自律,It's just practicing, being disciplined,

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这些老路都需要努力工作以及自律的精神。These paths all require work and self-discipline.

有自律性的人,你可以对你自己负责。With self-discipline, you take charge of yourself.

在家里工作需要足够的自律。It takes a lot of self-discipline to work from home.

但到了白宫,我要更加自律。At the White House, I had to become more disciplined.

首先,人们没有意识到自律。To begin with, people do not aware of self-discipline.

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一个人可以思考自律、不杀生、不伤害。One can reflect on the first yama, ahimsa, non-harming.

你怎样控制不能自律的孩子?How do you control the kids who don't behave themselves?

我意识到我的自律才是我真正的自由。Realizing that my self-discipline was really my freedom!

我让自己休息一下来刺激自律性。I give myself breaks to reward spurts of self-discipline.

这包括找到精神集中点、提高自律和自信心。This includes building focus, discipline, and confidence.

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通过严格约束,父母教会我自律。By disciplining me, my parents inculcated self-discipline.

爱是祝福,宽恕,与自律。Great love is blessings, forgiveness, and self-discipline.

标志严肃、方写意出了自律委员会的性质。Signs seriously, openly freestyle nature of the discipline.