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他对第18穴打出超过规定球次数的一击。He bogeyed the 18th hole.

连接重试次数。Number of connection retries.

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她与汤姆的约会次数太多了。She's seeing too much of Tom.

我于是可以骑得更快,出问题的次数也渐少。I rode faster and crashed less.

美国索取次数为3,580次,位居第二。The U. S was second with 3,580.

来的次数多了,她动了心。To many times, she ate a heart.

音乐,次数不限。Music an unlimited number of times.

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你动嘴的次数越多。The more times you move your mouth.

心动描记器上标明心跳次数。A cardiograph records the heartbeat.

我每小时平均的觉醒次数是42次。I was averaging 42 arousals per hour.

当你长大时,你被打屁股的次数也会增多。As you grow older , you get more spanks.

球员平均被选入国家队次数接近40次。The average number of caps is almost 40.

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最后,t的次数为0In the end, I don't want any powers of t.

让起飞和着陆的次数保持相等!Try to keep as many landings as takeoffs.

重要的是你拉下拉杆的次数。It's the number of times you pull it down.

或者可能会减少外出就餐的次数?Or perhaps on how frequently you dine out?

交通和点击次数必须白帽只!Traffic and clicks must be white-hat only!

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也许你认为你不能削减飞行次数。Perhaps you think you can't cut your flying.

后退的步数是按照前脚往后移的次数计算。The steps are counted as foreleg moves back.

新年里,我要减少洗衣服的次数,多用除臭剂。I will do less laundry and use more deodorant.