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那是一盘磁带吗?Is that a tape?

那是一盘磁带。That is a tape.

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我给她寄磁带。I sent her tapes.

是盒式磁带。They is cassette.

录像磁带接头器?。VTS? Video Tape Splicer?

让我们把磁带倒回去,听那首歌。Let's hear the song back.

我有这首歌的灌音磁带。I have a tape of the song.

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磁盘、磁鼓或磁带存储器。Disk, drum, or tape memory.

磁带卖什么价?What do the tapes retail at?

你的磁带能借我用用吗?Would you lend me your tape?

听录音磁带怎么样?。What about listening to tapes?

我寄出了一盘磁带,得到了这份工作。I sent in a tape and got the job.

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她意外地抹去了录了音的磁带。She accidentally erased the tape.

我们制作了一盒歌曲录音磁带。We made a recording of the songs.

于是那就被记录在了磁带上。And that is recording on the tape.

咱们把这个广播节目录到磁带上。Let us take the broadcast on tape.

你听这采访磁带。And you listen to these interviews.

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他给了我们一些磁带让我带回家。He gave me some tapes to take home.

我们听听这盘磁带好吗?Let's listen to this tape, shall we?

我学英语靠听录音磁带。I learn English by listening to tapes.