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传动轴带保护离合器。Cardan shaft with clutch.

逐步地放开离合器。Eottom out on the clutch.

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不要使离合器绞合了。Engage the automobile's clutch.

框式离合器的皮革。Box-style clutch made of leather.

1996年在土星离合器取代sl2。Replace the 1996 Saturn SL2 clutch.

采用气动离合器控制。It adoptss pneumatic cluth to control.

司机小心地抬离合器。The driver carefully disengages the clutch.

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不要动离合器,发动车辆,松开脚刹,你的车辆就可以缓缓降下山坡了。Your vehicle should just idle down the hill.

在车上,离合器是由最左的踏板控制的。In a car it is operated by the left-most pedal.

不得踏下离合器踏板,空档滑行。Do not coast with your foot on the clutch pedal.

我踩下离合器,汽车便朝前开了。I engaged the clutch and the car moved forwards.

特别适用于轻,中型汽车离合器使用。It is specially apply for light and medium auto.

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离合器在使用时易卡不上口。The clutch is subject to maladjustments upon use.

我们需要求购汽车离合器,请与我们联系。I need to buy auto clutch . please and contact us.

这样,离合器也就切断了发动机的传动。This releases the clutch from the spinning engine.

重型卡车汽制动阀,干燥器,离合器助力器。Truck air brake valves, clutch booster, air dryer.

离合器和超速期间提供自转。Clutch and overspeed provision during autorotation.

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但你知道自动车也有离合器吗。But did you know that automatics have clutches, too?

在车头离合器使车床更具吸引力。Clutch in headstock makes the lathe more attractive.

间歇离合器或贮积器封口性能。Intermittent clutch or accumulator seal performance.