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我们做事不能一味地步武先师。We can't imitate our ancestors without innovations.

萨那托斯逃跑了,并发誓要向自己的先师报仇。Xanatos flees, swearing revenge on his former master.

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此外,书院祭祖先圣先师加强对学生的教导。In addition, Academy educated students by sacrificing previous sagas.

因此他被中华民族尊奉为大成至圣先师。Therefore, he was enshrined in the Chinese sage and teacher for the Tai Shing.

先圣先师以及世上所称的十哲,都用土作了像供在殿里表示恭敬。First the so-called holy forerunners and ten, rotary is wise in house like that as revenue.

至圣先师正等待机会,要给那些有压力的学生奖励呢。The Great Teacher is waiting for an opportunity to shower rewards on scholars under stress.

他是一位伟大的先师,他的至理名言影响各国许多人。He is a great teacher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.

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陈照奎先师进过“拳架是推手的根底,推手是检验拳架的试金石。”Chen Zhaokui said, fist movement is the basis of Tai-Chi, and pushing hand is the touchstone of fist movement.

陈照奎先师进过“拳架是推手的基础底细,推手是磨练拳架的试金石。”Mr. Chen Zhaokui said, fist movement is the basis of Tai-Chi, and pushing hand is the touchstone of fist movement.

坐北向南,顺中轴线依次为先师庙门、戟门、大成殿,戟门内为四合院落。Sit north to south, Shun axis door followed by the first division, Ji doors, Dacheng Hall, Ji courtyard door for loading.

这基本等于去问达赖喇嘛和他的追随者们是否愿意承认他只是先师们象征性的转世。This is akin to asking if the Dalai Lama and his followers will decide he’s only the symbolic reincarnation of past teachers.

因此,孔子的先师形象仍是当代教师接受教育所需要的宝贵资源。For this reason, Confucius as an ancestor of Chinese education is still a valuable natural resource for modern teacher's education.

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伟大的思想家和先师们之所以伟大,就在于他们的思想高度强迫你重新审视你现有的知识。Great thinkers and teachers are great because their perspective forces you to take a second glance at the knowledge you already have.

作为先师,孔子不仅对中国的教育有数千年之久的影响,也对世界范围内的教育、哲学产生了一定影响。His influence as a teacher shaped Chinese education for several millennia and has impacted education and philosophy throughout the world.

德里先圣先师通医院的一支专家队伍回复了阿伦的求助,并组织了一系列检查,从而弄清楚这两条腿预知如何和身体联系在一起的,以及他预知否能够治愈。A team of specialists at Fortis Hospital in Delhi responded to Arun' a series of tests to find out how the legs are attached and if he can be treated.

希腊人通过对自然、社会和社会制度进行彻底的,基本的分析,成了西方世界的哲学先师。By subjecting nature as well as society and its institutions to a searching, fundamental analysis , the Greeks became the philosophical teachers of the Western world.

木匠都尊他为先师,据说他曾经雕刻过一只华美的木质凤凰,它是那么的栩栩如生,它真的在天上飞了三天。Carpenters respect him as ancestor master. It is said that he once carved a colorful wooden phoenix that was so lifelike that it actually flew in the sky for three days.

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先师曹惕寅认为哮喘属于温热性者居多,创表、攻、补三法治疗,联合应用,取得较为满意的疗效。Dr. Cao Tiyin argued that asthma was primarily caused by warm and heat factors, and developed exterior-relieving, purging and tonifying therapies in combination to treat asthma.

孔子以他博大精深的教育思想和独特的人格魅力,为后人树立了一个鲜活的至圣先师形象。Confucius, with his extensive and profound educational ideology and peculiar personality glamour, established a vivid image of the greatest sage and teacher for later generations.

孔子作为儒家的至圣与先师,他在治学、为政、做人、交友等多方面给我们提供了宝贵的思想。Confucius, as the greatest stage and teacher confucian school, provides us with the valuable thoughts of the academic pursuits, being in power, being an upright person, making friends etc.