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今天夜里他已经累了。He was weary to-night.

那天夜里就是这样。This night I was both.

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我坐在暗夜里。I sat in the dark night.

他们夜里会去哪里?Where do they go at night?

第三天夜里便与世长辞。And the next night he died.

在这白夜里的幻想。In this white night fantasy.

我们的狗夜里常嚎叫。Our dog often howls at night.

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夜里狗被关进狗窝里。The dog is kenneled at night.

他的车子昨天夜里被窃了。His car was stolen last night.

月亮在夜里放光芒。The moon gives light at night.

不要在夜里独自一人跑步。Never run by yourself at night.

经常于那紫色夜里。As often thro' the purple night.

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我总是在夜里读书或学习。I always read or study at night.

昨天夜里下起了鹅毛大雪。The snow sheeted down last night.

猫和猫头鹰夜里出去捕鼠。Cats and owls go mousing at night.

暗夜里我是闪闪星眼。I am the soft strarlight at night.

在夜里,常回来占有我吧。Return often and take me at night.

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她昨天夜里从家里跑了。She ran away from home last night.

我们在半夜里偷袭敌人。We stole on the enemy at midnight.

友谊是寒夜里的一盏灯。Friendship is lamp on a cold night.