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他们都将每个50美分中饱私囊,当作意外之财。They all pocket each 50 cents as windfall.

这警察接受贿赂中饱私囊。The policeman lined his pockets with bribes.

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他们总是想尽办法中饱私囊。They are always trying to feather their nest.

这些官员会不遗余力地中饱私囊They'll keep as much of the cut as they can possibly steal.

这些钱最主要的是将会被非洲那些腐败的统治者中饱私囊。It would essentially fill the pockets of corrupt rulers in Africa.

可怜的尼日利亚人害怕腐败官员会中饱私囊。Yet poor Nigerians fear that corrupt officials will pocket the savings.

他们所考虑的是怎样中饱私囊、如何掌大权,并为自己多赚些钱。They think about what is good for their pocket, their own power, their own money.

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你的代理人在账目上作假,他卖掉了你的生意,用你的钱来中饱私囊。The agent cooked the accounts, sold your business and feathered his own nest at your expense.

然贪官污吏中饱私囊,大兴土木浪费挥霍,希望只能化作泡影。But hopes are dashed as corrupt officials pocket the money or squander it on grandiose projects.

这个政权腐败不堪,靠毒品贸易和山姆大叔的银子中饱私囊。It is a corrupt regime which has enriched itself through the narco-trade and Uncle Sam’s billions.

政府部分发现他利用职务之便中饱私囊,警察因此逮捕了他。The government office found feathering his own nest through his position was arrested by the police.

就算不再是穆巴拉克当权,新的埃及领导人也会像穆氏一样脸不变色心不跳地大肆中饱私囊。And if not Mubarak, the next leader may be poised to start lining his pockets the same way Mubarak did.

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可那个中央情报局官员怎么有机会长年累月地为莫斯科提供机密情报,并得到几百万美元的报酬中饱私囊呢?How come this guy could spy for Russia for so long and feather his own nest with millions of dollars for Moscow?

眼下更不要打着拉动内需的口号中饱私囊、挥霍无度。At present do not have to hit the slogan which in drawing needs to fill with the private pocket, to squander money.

这些问题进一步让人质疑安全问题,承包商是否偷工减料中饱私囊也被打上一个问号。The revelations have led to questions about safety and whether corrupt subcontractors cut corners to line their pockets.

这些基金有的被有效地投资,但是很多则被用于非商业目的,从创造就业到中饱私囊。Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.

在进行合作时,从中抽取额外的钱财来中饱私囊,已满足一己私欲。In the process of cooperation, they have lined their pockets by share the profit of an enterprise for satisfying their desires.

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让地方官员和有后台的人得以将巨额公共资金中饱私囊的贪腐或欺诈行为就不会得到曝光。Corruption or fraud that allowed local officials and the well-connected to pocket large sums of public largess won't be exposed.

我们必须抛弃这种贪婪及中饱私囊的文化,把国家变成一个更加透明,可信的政府“,财政部长麦修·彭萨说。“We must move away from a culture of greed and self-enrichment to one of transparent accountability,” says its treasurer, Mathews Phosa.

我们必须抛弃这种贪婪及中饱私囊的文化,把国家变成一个更加透明,可信的政府“,财政部长麦修·彭萨说。“We must move away from a culture of greed and self-enrichment to one of transparent accountability, ” says its treasurer, Mathews Phosa.