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背部酸疼、脖子僵硬、手腕疼痛?Sore back, stiff neck, aching wrists?

身体上的肌肉酸疼是为什么?Is the muscle acid on the body aches why?

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我经常心悸,肌肉酸疼,脑袋阵阵作痛。My heart hurt, my muscles ached and my head throbbed.

文化参事参加完宴会浑身酸疼。The culture attache aches over after attending a banquet.

这会花费大量时间,消耗体力,甚至可能让您的眼睛酸疼。They take time, energy, and might even make your eyes hurt.

我的背部肌肉酸疼从铲起雪在走道和车道里。My back muscles ache from shoveling snow in walkways and driveway.

常常觉得颈椎酸疼谁知道是什么原因吗?What reason is often feeling cervical vertebra acid aches to know?

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他的大腿和肩膀都有些酸疼,可能是感染病毒了吧。His thighs and shoulders ached, so maybe it was just a virus coming on.

所以抓住每一个机会去玩在一起,大笑直到你们的两腮酸疼!So take every opportunity to have fun together and laugh till your sides hurt!

每次跑完步我都觉得很累,腿也酸疼酸疼的,身子板也挺不起来。Every time I run I feel very tired and sore leg is sore, the body panels also pretty.

将手放低,要求更多的屈挠以拉伸酸疼的肌肉。So keep your hands low and ask for more bend to stretch the soreness out of his muscles.

给顽固的酸疼处以节奏性按摩的拍打机能。Give the unprogressive and acing imposing the rhythm The sex massage of tap the function.

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用舒适的刺激促进血液循环,缓解顽固的酸疼。Use comfortable The incitement of promotes the blood circulation. Alleviate the bigotry aching.

如果你曾经有做过几天新的运动,你会知道你的身体有什么感觉。有点酸疼。If you've ever done a new sport for a couple of days, then you know how your body feels. And it hurts.

他昨天晚上在一个中学举办的舞会上打了一架,现在浑身酸疼,手也肿了。He had had a fight the night before at a high-school dance and he was sore all over and his hands were puffed.

如果锻炼之后很快就进食,你就能把肌肉的酸疼和紧绷减小到最低,还有助于减弱你的疲劳。If you eat soon after your workout, you can minimize muscle stiffness and soreness, and help reduce your fatigue.

我们必须坐坚硬的长木凳,当到了永定门的时候,我的后面已经坐车坐得酸疼了。We had to sit on hard wooden benches and my back was aching all over when I got off at the old Yongdingmen Station.

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然而,第二天当我又一次手、臂酸疼的攀岩归来的时候我立马就改变了主意。The next day, though, when my arms and fingers were sore just from going up the wall once, I quickly changed my opinion.

经过漫长的一天皇家婚礼,你也许想要把酸疼的后背靠在威廉和凯特靠背枕上。After a long day of royal wedding parties, one might want to rest one's aching back on a Prince William and Kate cushion.

当然还有以后几天的浑身酸疼,哈哈,不过如果坚持跑步,会受益匪浅!And also, you will have muscular soreness in the following couple of days, so, make running grow on you, you will benefit a great deal!