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近年来,乐清的基础设施日臻完善。In recent years, Yueqing's infrastructure is improving daily.

其后,他们建立起复杂而精细的物流系统和日臻完善的企业。Behind it, they set up a sophisticated logistics and fulfillment enterprise.

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目前,保险公估人的制度在欧美等发达国家已经日臻完善了。At the moment, the system of insurance assessment in the Occident is improving.

台山广东音乐团自成立以来,坚持训练,演奏技巧日臻完善。We insist on regular exercise, and our playing skills of instruments improve day by day.

随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国的法律制度日益完善,对消费者利益保护的法律也日臻完善。As the economy of our country developed rapidly, our legal system is perfecting day by day.

随着遥感技术的发展和日臻完善,遥感数据在地理制图方面也得到了广泛的应用。The development and perfection of remote sensing technology has made it widely used in cartography.

我们相信通过日臻完善的销售网络,迈克彼恩公司会为您提供更快捷和人性化的服务。We believe that mecapion will offer you fast and humanization server through perfect sale internet.

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高星级饭店在我国发展的日臻完善,使得经济型饭店成为新一轮的投资热点。Along with the perfecting of the high ranked hotel, Economy Hotel is becoming a new appeal to investors.

但是,日本的筒子们却仍不满足,这不,他们又利用自己日臻完善的技术,为手机拓展了一个崭新的功能——就近厕所发现器。Now, tech-savvy Japanese have found an unusual use for cell phones -- to locate the nearest public toilet.

经过持续不断的结构调整,全省产业体系日臻完善。After unremitting restructuring and development, the province has improved its industrial system remarkably.

骨软骨复合组织的构建仍存在很多难题,还需日臻完善。It still exists many problems in the construction of osteochondral graft, which needs to be studied further.

唐代是中国封建社会官学制度日臻完善和空前发展的重要时期。Government educational system in the feudal society of China is unprecedentedly improved in the Tang Dynasty.

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经逐步发展,日臻完善,具有较为清晰的理论形成、发展脉络。As a result of the gradual development, it theory is gradual improve, it has clear Origin, Development and Feature.

目前这一研究领域发展迅速,应用范围不断扩大,技术日臻完善。Currently, the rapid development, extensive applications and sophisticated techniques are available in these areas.

故企业应致力于生产优质产品,并不断的改进产品使之日臻完善。Managers in product-oriented organizations focus their energy on making superior products and improving them over time.

全球经济一体化的进展和市场运行体系日臻完善,给企业带来了新的发展机遇。Meanwhile, the global economic unite and sound market system bring out new opportunity for the development of enterprise.

随着社会的发展和人权保护的日臻完善,刑事诉讼中被害人的人权保障问题必须给予高度的关注和重视。With social development and a lasting improvement on human rights protection, great attention should be paid to this issue.

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经过多年的金融体制改革,我国金融市场日趋成熟,金融体系日臻完善。After many years' innovation of financial frame, Chinese finance market has been growing toward mature and its system perfect.

随着面向对象技术的日臻完善,面向对象GIS-T数据模型需要进一步的改进。With the object-oriented technology is getting more sophisticated, object-oriented GIS-T data model needs further improvement.

日臻完善的全国网络和垂直管理模式形成中国康辉集团在全国旅行社行业中日益突显的独特优势。The fast development domestic network and vertical management structure has become the unique strength of CCT among the travel industry.