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他信两年前在一次政变中被罢免。He was ousted in a coup two years ago.

委员会罢免了他的职务。The committee deposed him from his office.

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石家庄市市长被罢免。The mayor of Shijiazhuang has been dismissed.

氏族可以任意罢免酋长和酋帅。The gens deposes the sachem and war-chief at will.

全体成员因为会武断专横而罢免了他的职务。The membership ejected the chairman for his peremptoriness.

星期日,他限令内阁在100天内改进工作,否则就被罢免。On Sunday, he gave his cabinet 100 days to improve or be fired.

上海市省委书记陈良宇因贪污而被罢免大振人心。Shanghai party chief Chen Liangyu sacked for graft is the vox pop.

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被发现的,主要手法是罢免当事人和证人。The chief method of discovery is deposing of the parties and witnesses.

列宁强调人民群众的选举和罢免干部的权利。Lenin emphasizes the election of people and the right that unmake a cadre.

此次重大的针对总统的罢免案于1868年3月5日开始审议,约翰逊总统拒绝出席,但他的律师团出席为他辩护。The president refused to attend. But his lawyers were there to defend him.

罢免案由主席团提请大会审议。The proposal of removal are submitted to the congresses by the presidiums.

李如松威胁宣祖如果不罢免柳成龙,明军就撤军。Ru-song li threat XuanZu if not recall yoo sung-ryong, Ming army withdrawal.

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也有人赞成罢免案,但是认为不宜在此时提出。Some others supported the proposal but still thought it improper at this time.

部落会议也有罢免首领和酋帅的权利。The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs.

如果国会对政府失去信心能够以投票否决的方式将政府罢免。The government can be recalled by a vote of no confidence in the National Council.

1971年,杜瓦里耶的儿子继位,但是在执政十五年后遭到罢免。His son Jean-Claude "baby Doc" took over in 1971. But he was ousted 15 years later.

监管机构也是如此,而从某种意义上说,担任法官而不会被罢免的法律专家同样如此。So are regulators and, in a sense, the unsackable legal experts who work as judges.

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常委会由代表大会选举或者罢免。Members of the standing committee are elected and subject to recall by the congress.

自被罢免后,Reesd对联合国在日内瓦的争议法庭就存有不满。Rees has since filed a grievance with the U.N. internal disputes tribunal in Geneva.

总理选择内阁大臣,而且也有权利罢免他们。The prime minister selects cabinet ministers and has the exclusive right to dismiss them.